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Tropical Hibiscus Flowers - How To Care For Them

One of the most beautiful flowers in the world belongs to the Malvaceae family, it is the Tropical Hibiscus. Similar flowers in relation to the hibiscus are the “hardy hibiscus”, the “Confederate Rose”, and the “Hollyhock”. The flower is commonly found in the Pacific islands, as well as Asia. For this reason, it is only suitable that the hibiscus be the national flower for Malaysia. However, the hibiscus is commonly associated with Hawaii, much to the fact that the flower for Hawaii is a species of the hibiscus flower.

There are a variety of colors and sizes when determining the characteristics of the hibiscus flower. There are reportedly thousands of color combinations, with no true black or blue. The size varies from a 2 inch diameter blossom to a 10 or 12 inch. Some of the hibiscuses are found on bushes that only grow a few feet every several years, while others can grow up to 15 feet in a short time.

If you are interested in growing these beautiful flowers that you would commonly see in a tropical area, such as Hawaii, then you need to keep several considerations in mind. For example, if you live in an area where you deal with a large amount of frost, then you would need to plant your flowers in pots so that you can transport them inside at night. However, do not let your climate keep you from planting the flowers in pots. Many gardeners who live in warmer climates prefer pots to the actual ground, and they are very successful at growing in the same condition. A great idea when contemplating growing a hibiscus is to seek the advice of other gardeners in your area who specialize in hibiscus flowers. They can tell you what tips work for them in the climate that you live in. The following are the most common tips shared between gardeners in relation to the hibiscus flower:

Keep the fertilizer light and often. A true fact is that hibiscus flowers are very big eaters. You need to use fertilizer that contains special elements, such as copper and iron. In most cases, a dry fertilizer is acceptable, but most growers prefer a fertilizer with a low phosphate count. You should keep the phosphate to a minimum, because the phosphate can build up in the dirt of the flower over a period of time and cause harm to the plant. If you are considering using a fertilizer with nitrogen, it has been found that overusing nitrogen in the flower food will help encourage the growth of the leaves, but it will do nothing for the actual blooms. Fertilizers that contain water are best for hibiscus being grown in pots or for spraying the leaves.

You also need to keep the insects away from the plant. The hibiscus should be checked for insects frequently, and you may want to use a type of insecticide or natural option to keep the plant safe. Insecticide use should be done in the mornings after the plant has been sprayed with water. A good temperature to spray at is below 80 degrees. You should spray both the top and bottom of the leaves.

You should prune the plant to help growth, but refer to a manual on pruning instructions. Pruning with any flower should be done at certain times of the year to help manage the plant’s size. You will want to remove dead leaves. Typically the Hawaiian Hibiscus can be pruned at any time when it needs it. Pruning is acceptable for shaping the plant. Angle down on the stem you choose to cut to get a clean node.

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