Walk down the lawn care aisle of your favorite hardware store and you're bound to notice that the selection of grass seed can be overwhelming. There are so many different brands of grass seed, for something that seems like it should be so simple. Grass is grass right? Wrong. There are many different types of grass that grow best in different types of environments and that are suited for different purposes. Some grasses grow better in shady places, others in the sun. Some grasses stand up to the wear and tear of children running amok, others whither and die. If you want to plant the perfect lawn, I've compile a list of the best grass seeds.
What Brand To Buy?
First, let's talk about brands. You have the big name brands such as Scotts, with numerous advertisements and television commercials, you have Pennington, Sta-Green, and Rebel. So what brand should you go with?
BOTTOM LINE: Stick with the big name brands as they are rated the best and have the best germination rates and appearance.
Turf Builder Pacific Northwest Mix is an excellent choice. Turf builder is made by Scotts a well known and trusted brand. There is a low amount of water that is needed, stands up to medium traffic, requires medium sun. The only downside Scotts is the high price in comparison to other types of grass seed. Some people have complained that this product is hard to germinate. A 7 pound bag of Scotts Turf Builder will cost around 30 dollars depending on where you buy it. Pacific Northwest, as its name suggests is a blend that does well in the Pacific Northwest. Definitely a consideration for buyers that live in Oregon and Washington!
Kentucky 31 Tall Fescue is made by Pennington another trust and well known brand when it comes to grass seed. It has pretty much all the same characteristics of Turf Builder, but is a little cheaper at 22 dollars for a 7lb bag. Kentucky Tall Fescue stands up to heat and drought better than others so may be a great choice for those living in the south east: Georgia, Florida, Alabama, etc. Tall Fescue is known for being tough, coarse, and having a light green color.
Scotts Turf Builder Sun and Shade Mix is a great choice for any yard. A 20lb bag will run you about 80 dollars, so there is a great value buy here! The seed also has WaterSmart technology which absorbs twice the amount of water, to prevent the seed from drying out. Perfect for newbies that may forget to water their lawns from time to time or for those that live in hot arid conditions. Scott also provides a fungicide in the mix to prevent disease. However, this may not appeal to those that are looking for a more natural or organic lawn.
For those of you looking for organic grass seed, there are many places you can purchase natural seed. While the word organic might instill a sense that you're going to pay more, don't fear!
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