Have you ever thought about using raised garden beds to grow your fresh vegetables, instead of straining your back and continually digging and turning up the back yard to get rid of those dreaded weeds? Believe me; raised garden beds take the work out of gardening.
I admit that in the beginning they take a bit of work to set up. Although the type of raised garden beds you choose will affect the amount of work and cost involved.
You could buy a ready-made one from your local garden center or have a friend make one for you. Then again, you can make them out of all sorts of things. My son has made small ones out of old Webber, both the base and the lid. We have made them from an old refrigerator, old wash troughs, plastic drums and even old wine barrels over the years. Do you remember the old Simpson washing machines, forty-four gallon drums cut in half; they make great garden too.
It depends on what types of things you have access to. Use your imagination and look around the second-hand places to give you fresh ideas and experiment. The main thing is to have adequate drainage so your garden will flourish with healthy fresh vegetables or flowers of your choice.
Tip: I plant a few, and then later plant more, that way they are ready to pick at different times. There is nothing worse than having twenty lettuces all ready to eat at once then nothing.
Depth of garden beds
The depth of your garden bed is not important, although it depends on what you grow. I would suggest anything between 8 cm and 35 cm. Most plants and vegetables will grow in shallow containers, except large tuberous vegetables like potatoes, sweet potatoes or large carrots they need more depth. I like mine to around 30 cm high to cut the bending.
How to plant your garden
Design how you will plant your vegetable or flower garden beds. I think the best way to plant is by growing the tallest plants in the center of your garden bed, this will create some shade for less hardy plants. Then divide the rest of your garden into squares and plant each section with different plants of your choice. How you plant will depend also on the shape of your garden
So many people say that you should always use seed potatoes. I always use the end of a potato with sprouted shoots or the peelings when I was peeling my spuds. I no longer peel mine, as that is the healthiest part.
This experiment will take several months to decide which produced the best crop. As most gardeners know, they take months to grow, so I will add information in time.
Prepare to grow Potatoes in raised bed garden with hay
The best part of growing potatoes in hay is there is no digging, nor having to wash the soil from your potatoes.
I have also planted a section in my normal garden as shown in above picture with several seed potatoes and some of my kitchen spuds and some part of spud. This will prove which grows and produces the best potatoes. At least I hope it will as both planted side by side under the same conditions.
Okay after six months I have to tell you that in my opinion; I will always use home pieces of my bought spuds and some of my older ones that start to shoot, even potato peeling will grow and produce new potatoes. These provided me with many more spuds than the seed potatoes that I paid $10 for.
So if you want to grow good potatoes then do a test of your own, although I would not pay too much for those seed spuds if I were you. Good Luck.
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