Glass screen doors are versatile types of flaps that offer year round services. In summer or in warm weather, the door makes it possible to open a glass panel that allows air to flow through the mesh screening. During the winter or in cool weather, the glass is slid back into place. This creates an effective shield from the cold air from the outside while making it possible to look outside with ease.
The design of glass screen doors
A typical glass screen door looks like any kind of a conventional door, but that is equipped with a screen. The main difference between these doors is that two or more glass panels are installed on the back side of the door. These panels are mounted in tracks, enabling them to be moved up and down. The panels can also be secured in any number of different positions. This allows flow of air through them to be effectively regulated, for example, the panels can be moved to the highest position to allow for maximum airflow into the space they are installed in.
The majority of glass screen door models are made of lightweight but durable aluminum frames that are paired with nylon screen mesh. This mesh is held in place with a type of a rubber gasket, but that is quite easy to replace when need be. A few other doors are constructed with decorative wooden frames.
Locating an appropriate design when it comes to glass screen doors is quite easy as they come in designs, models and makes that can all be opted for. So any home type can carry any of the available designs that the building owner deems appropriate. There are glass screen doors and designs that are appropriate for front, back and patio doors in the market today.
Is there any difference between a glass screen door and a patio screen door?
To start with, the sliding function of a glass screen door is similar to the same actions that happen with a patio screen door that is equipped with retractable screen. The only difference between these doors is that the screens on patio doors generally move from left to right instead of the up and down movement of glass screen doors. But just like with glass screen doors, patio doors can also be situated so that the screen is completely deployed while the glass panel is fully or slightly opened.
Choosing the right glass screen doors for your home
Selection of glass screen doors for any building requires deciding if something simply functional or that will work well with the exterior color scheme is wanted. A glass screen door with a wooden frame offers a wide selection of colors than with the plainer aluminum frames. Apart from this, wooden frames can be decorated in any number of ways, something that is possible with aluminum frames. It is possible to have a custom made wooden framed glass screen door built that meets your exact specification. This helps in ensuring that the building owner is able to achieve the look he or she wants while at the same time retaining the function.