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Growing Lavender Indoors

When getting ready for growing lavender indoors, be certain that you have selected a good variety of lavender for indoor planting. French lavender might be the best for this. It may not have the nice aroma you want, but it grows best in the house. You just might want to buy a started plant rather than trying to begin from seed.

Prepare a nice home for your fresh lavender plant. Acquire a ordinary potting mix and use it. Select a large pot. Lavender likes a lot of room to develop. You may need to put in a little sand to the mix to help it drain well.

Regular watering is important for growing lavender indoors. It desires a steady supply of water, but not daily watering. Just water lavender when the soil is totally dry. Following watering be sure the soil is wet, but not a slurry of mud. Test the soil at least daily.

Lavender wants to get sufficient artificial light or sunlight to attain its full potential. It loves light and would like to be in full light all day. But you do not want to bake your plant in too much light. In colder climates, you may need to keep it away from windows to keep the lavender from getting cool. Be wary of icy spots in your house.

When the weather is nice, take the lavender outdoors into a nice sheltered sunny spot. Since this is an indoor plant, it won't be ready for outside life, so make sure it has shelter and take it back in. If it is going to get too cool at night, then bring it in. A number of people will in fact plant the lavender for the summer and re-pot it in the winter months. You will have to decide which way works better in your climate.

Growing lavender indoors may have a difficult learning curve, but in the long run should be a pleasure. You will have this herb at hand for any use you want. Maybe you need a stress relieving tea, or just enjoy the scent of lavender. Keep trying until you get it. You can figure out the correct technique. You will be happy with the results.

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