When people think of rose colors they usually think of either red or pink. These have been the most popular rose colors for a long time. Others may think of yellow roses (The Yellow Rose of Texas), or white. Until recently, however, purple roses have been lower on most people’s radars. That is all changing now, though.
A recent informal poll shows that purple is fast becoming a top pick for roses. And the market has taken this into consideration.
Whether you are shopping for a table display at home, or you’re looking for a bouquet to give as a gift, or even a new rose bush for the front yard, purple roses are a lot easier to find than ever before.
An Excellent Choice
So why pick purple for your next rose purchase?
- They are unusual and are sure to get a huge reaction. When people see a purple rose for the first time they can’t help but be stunned. They are, after all, jaw-droppingly spectacular. But even more than the beauty is the unique quality they bring. They are truly magical.
- They play well with other roses. A mixed bouquet of purple, pink, lavender and dusty-rose shades will never fail to please. The variety of similar shades will blend perfectly to grace your home powerfully. Purple in the garden looks beautiful against a variety of other colors including yellow, white, blue, pink, red, green and more.
- Purple is the rose of enchantment. Most rose colors are symbolic of some special meaning. Red means “I love you” and Pink means “Thank You”. The traditional meaning for purple and lavender roses is “Love at first sight”, or “Enchantment”. If you’re looking for a little more enchantment in your life, try a purple rose!
- Pure purple roses are not that common in nature. Many that are regarded as “purple” are actually closer to lavender, lilac or violet. It is only recently that new varieties of true purple roses have been successfully bred and brought to market for our enjoyment.
The Purple Rose Garden

If you are interested in growing your own purple rose plants, there are a few to choose from. Some are more purple than others.
Perhaps the most stunning is Rosa ‘Ebb Tide’. The large flower heads bear a rich purple color and yellow center that just peeks out of the mass of petals.
This one is particularly stunning next to white or pale yellow rose.

Purple Climbing Night Owl Rose is another stunner. As the name suggests, it is a climbing rose. It blooms all season long and has a delicious fragrance.
The flowers are more open than Rosa ‘Ebb Tide’ and the yellow centers contrast nicely with the deep purple of the petals

Burgundy Iceberg Rose is, frankly, misnamed. It is much more of a purple than a burgundy hue.
It is a floribunda variety, so expect lots of beautiful sweet-smelling purple blooms all summer long! The flowers are described as “calming” by some, and the plants grow well even in rainy conditions with a strong resistance to blackspot.
If you are looking for something a bit different to liven up your yard, the a purple rose may be just the thing for you. Likewise, if you have someone special in your life who loves to receive flowers, you can’t go wrong with the unique and breathtaking blooms of a purple rose.