With our certified organic carpet and upholstery cleaning, we guarantee that you will love what we can do for you. Give us a call today to set up your appointment for a free estimate.
[carpet cleaning nyc]
Looking for a carpet cleaning service in New York? Are you worried about subjecting your loved ones to harsh chemicals? Not to worry, as we are the answer you are looking for. Our company is eco friendly, as we offer the best in truly organic cleaning services. We use only the highest quality toxin free cleaning products, so you are assured in knowing that your home and your loved ones are safe. We offer a wide array of services and solutions for New Yorkers, with high quality domestic cleaning services that are done with the utmost of pride and quality. We offer a variety of programs, including our maintenance program. This will provide the longest life for your carpeting and improve the overall environment in which you live work.
Cleaner carpets mean cleaner air, which is a positive reflection for both your office and your peace of mind. By treating your carpeting properly, you can keep the air cleaner and fresher, making working and playing more enjoyable. Dust is everywhere, and is virtually unpreventable. Through a proper vacuuming program, much of the dust can be removed in all areas of the office and home. For hard to reach areas, we recommend using a plastic surface, which will eliminate dust getting into carpet fibers. We can also clean patches of carpet, as well as whole rooms and buildings. By treating stains on the spot, you not only eliminate the eyesore, but also prevent the production of potentially harmful bacteria. Thorough deep cleaning at least once a year will make your carpet dirt and dust resistant. Through using our services, we jet scrub your carpet, rinse it with softeners, dry them, and then apply Risosm prevention. We can also clean your curtains, partitions, couches, chairs, seating and much more.
Our services are top of the line, innovative and we offer the best in a complete line of carpet, rug, upholstery and other cleaning. Our state of the art technologies are unsurpassed, and our multiple steps to cleaning and our incredible reputation make us a worldwide leader in eco friendly carpet cleaning. We have many years of experience and have the most experienced reliable, trustworthy and friendly cleaning staff in our employ. We are stain removal experts, and we can also remove stubborn stains and odors that your pets or other things have left behind. Our cleaning services will leave your carpets soft and fresh, not full of residue and crunchy.
We are an organic cleaning company, with over 20 years in experience in carpet and upholstery cleaning. We can clean any size office, home or apartment with ease and professionalism. We even offer professional and safe cleaning of your high-end oriental rugs. For a free estimate and to find out what makes us the best in the business, give us a call today to set up an appointment. We guarantee that you will be satisfied, and with many different service areas, you are certain to find one close to your home or office.