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Starting Your Indoor Herb Container Gardening Effort

Growing herbs and spices inside the home can be very fulfilling for the gardener. Indoor herb container gardening is just the same as growing the many different ornamental plants there are. There are certain provisions that you need to make for your indoor herb container gardening program. The plan for indoor herb container gardening is started by choosing the kind of herbs and spices you wish to grow in your indoor garden.

Step One To Indoor Herb Container Gardening

When you have chosen which herb or herbs you want to cultivate, you should choose what kind of container to plant your herbs in. Indoor herb container gardening usually requires an average sized pot where the herb can grow well for about a year. Ideally, the pot should have an average depth of twelve inches and a rim diameter or about seven to twelve inches also. Many gardeners recommend a light colored pot to help ease the heat that is usually found within the home. Indoor herb container gardening also needs to have pots that have adequate holes at the bottom to facilitate better drainage.

It is advisable to change to a bigger container when your plant is about a year old or when you deem it too big for the pot it is in. Keeping the herb in the pot for too long will yield thin and unhealthy leaves.

Step Two To Indoor Herb Container Gardening

The soil to be used for indoor herb container gardening should be specific for those used in pots and not for in ground gardens. Organic indoor gardening potting mix is a prime example for the kind of medium used for growing herbs indoors. This is because the nutrients in a potting mix are complete for plants that have limited access to good healthy soil.

Step Three to Indoor Herb Container Gardening

The seeds in the potting mix should be gently pushed, or at least buried, into half an inch of potting mix. This guarantees that the sunlight will still penetrate the thin layer of soil over the seed and encourage growth. Keeping the soil well misted should also encourage the growth of the seeds in the pot. Exposure to at least ten hours of sunlight should do the trick for encouraging the success of your indoor herb container gardening effort.

These are the basic steps to starting indoor herb container gardening. There may be some variations depending on what specific herbs you wish to cultivate.

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