Plant a seed and harvest a potential birdhouse or bird feeder. It's as easy as that! The kind of bird you attract depends on the size of the hole you drill.
continue reading belowGourds grow on vines like pumpkins or cucumbers, and take up a fair amount of room. To eliminate sprawl, use a trellis or fence to hold the vines. After the last frost, plant seeds in small hills that are about 8 feet apart in full sun. Plant three to five seeds in each hill about 3/4 inch deep. Water frequently. Thin to one seedling. To create more gourds, cut the end off the main vine when it reaches 8 to 10 feet to stimulate more lateral growth.
Make a painted birdhouse that winged visitors will love.
When a gourd matures, its stem will wither and dry out, indicating harvest time. Caution: Harvesting before then will make the gourd shrivel and rot. Set the gourd in a dry, airy place. You can wipe the mold off from time to time, but it's not necessary. Three to nine months later, when the gourd is light and the seeds can rattle, it is dry and ready to be cleaned. Wrap the gourd in a wet towel for two days, then use steel wool or a dull knife to scrape off the outer skin and mold. Let it dry again. Now the gourd is ready for you to unleash your artistry.
Drill gourd. Use a craft knife, razor knife, or hole-saw attachment for your drill to create the openings for birds. One hole makes it a birdhouse. Four holes make it a bird feeder.
Add perches. To make a spot for perches, drill a hole the diameter of a wooden rod or peg under each bird entry.
Finish. Apply glue to the lip of the perch hole and insert the pegs into the holes. More glue can be applied to the contact area of the perch and gourd inside the feeder. To hang the feeder, add a small eye hook on top or drill a minute hole for a piece of wire.
1. Drill gourd. Use a craft knife, razor knife, or hole-saw attachment for your drill to create the openings for birds. One hole makes it a birdhouse. Four holes make it a bird feeder.
2. Add perches. To make a spot for perches, drill a hole the diameter of a wooden rod or peg under each bird entry.
3. Finish. Apply glue to the lip of the perch hole and insert the pegs into the holes. More glue can be applied to the contact area of the perch and gourd inside the feeder. To hang the feeder, add a small eye hook on top or drill a minute hole for a piece of wire.
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