When my children were young, we used to enjoy leisurely walks down the quiet lanes in the English countryside. I'm sure my mind often wandered off on its own private ramble: "What shall we have for dinner? Do I need to buy milk on the way home?" Yet the children were totally immersed in the moment. They would splash through the puddles with gusto, point out the bright orange lichen clinging to the side of a tree and stop to touch the velvety moss draped over the ancient stone walls. They weren't concerned with the past or the future. Rather they could enjoy the
present and take pleasure in what it had to offer.
The art of armchair gardening. If this is your idea of gardening in December, then I'm right with you! There's nothing quite like sitting in your favorite armchair by a roaring fire and enjoying your garden through the window.

Le jardinet
Observation is key to good garden design. We can be so busy digging, weeding and pruning that we forget to look up and see the broader perspective.
When a snowy blanket covers the ground, we focus on the silhouettes and shadows in the garden without the distraction of color.

The Garden Consultants, Inc.
Time to take notes. What sort of winter highlights are there in your garden? This is the time to take notes and photographs of what works and what doesn't.
Structures such as arbors, pergolas and fences become prominent landscape features even when covered in snow. Benches can seem just as enticing in winter as they did in summer.

Le jardinet
A splash of color creates an instant focal point — and it doesn't have to come from plants.
This winter-hardy glass sculpture can be enjoyed year-round; the cool blues work beautifully with the backdrop of evergreen trees.

Tom Debley
Planting ideas. When it comes to plants, redtwig dogwoods
(Cornus sericea), evergreen trees and shrubs, and winter-hardy grasses, such as feather reed grass
(Calamagrostis acutiflora), are favorites for the winter landscape.
I find that creating winter vignettes is more effective than just placing a single conifer here and there. For example, this stand of redtwig dogwoods looks all the more striking for being placed in front of the ghostly
quaking aspens (Populus tremuloides).

Le jardinet
Winter container gardens. In just a few minutes you can spruce up your container gardens to be ready for the holidays. Simply tuck in a few decorations, cones and cut evergreen boughs.

Gardener's Supply Company
Apple Bird Feeders
Feed the birds. Remember your feathered friends! I include
Parney cotoneaster (Cotoneaster lacteus) in our winter garden simply because the robins enjoy the fruit so much. If you don't have many natural food sources for the birds, consider adding a feeder. Keep a shallow dish of water available for them too.
Bring your garden inside. Many bulbs can be forced inside to bloom in just a few weeks. Fragrant
paperwhites (Narcissus papyraceus) are a popular choice and so easy to grow.
Amaryllis (Hippeastrum) bulbs can be forced in the same way and make for a spectacular holiday display, or you can give them as gifts to family and friends.

Forum Phi Architecture | Interiors | Planning
So pull your chair up to the fire and look out at your garden. You've worked hard in it all year — now it is time to appreciate all you have accomplished.
Grab your computer rather than your shovel and start creating ideabooks for next year. But put an extra log on the fire first.
Happy holidays.