If you seek a butterfly-attracting, low-maintenance flowering plant, look no further. The Montauk Daisy would be the ideal choice for you.

Plant the Montauk daisies in a place where it will get direct sunlight for at least 6 hours. They are likely to fall over if they are in the shade for too long.

The Montauk Daisy or the
Nipponanthemum nipponicum, is a member of the
Asteraceae family and hails all the way from Japan. However, they have found and made a permanent abode at Montauk Lighthouse, Long Island, New York. Hence, deriving its more commonly used name as the Montauk Daisy.

This perennial plant remains thick, glossy, and has green foliage all yearlong. It requires little-to-no fuss care. They are ideal if you wish to attract butterflies and are pest-free. They are also rabbit-proof and deer-resistant. What else can one ask for?Montauk Daisy
Type: Perennial
Height: 23" - 37"
Spread: 23" - 30"
Color: White petals with a greenish yellow eye
Moisture: Moist
Foliage: Tough dark shiny green leaves
Blooming Season: Late August to early September
Form: Round, around 3 inches wide
Landscape: Containers, borders, seashores, beds
Added Benefits: Fragrant, great as table decoration- fresh or dry, can be used in containers
USDA Zone: 5 to 9Montauk Daisy CareSun and Soil

The Montauk daisy requires around 6 hours of direct sunlight and grows well in sand and neutral loamy soil. Keep in mind the more shade it gets, the more likely they are to bend over.Fertilizing and Watering

The Montauk daisy requires well-drained soil that has average fertility. Fertilizing this plant will help it grow big faster, however, it will not do much for the stems to get any stronger. This plant is salt-tolerant and a drought-tolerant. However, a deep soaking once a week is ideal. A key factor to remember here is that, the richer the soil the floppier the plant.Pruning

When it comes to pruning, treat this plant as a shrub, meaning, never cut it down to the ground level. Plan your pruning in early spring and cut off any dead debris, leaving the live and healthy stalks intact. Shear off any dead flowers and leaves as it begins to fade, this will help increase the foliage and prolong the bloom. You can choose to cut the plant down to 4-5 inches during May or early June. Also pinch the plant a couple of times in early summer to encourage new stems.

Another integral point to remember is that this plant roots easily. Meaning, if the cuttings are left where they fall, they will take roots. If you don't wish to keep the plant, gently pull them out and discard the unwanted ones.Propagate

The ideal time for propagating a Montauk daisy is during spring or summer. Simply take the stem tip and cut with about 3 nodes. Dip the cut ends in some rooting hormone and place it in another propagating medium or moist sand. Don't forget to keep the roots moist till they begin to take root.Diseases

The Montauk daisy plant can fall prey to fungal diseases viz. stem rot and leaf spots, which cause minor damages. Avoid over watering as well as overhead watering to prevent these diseases.