Flowers are an integral part of many special occasions. They grace every occasion in the true sense of the term. You would be surprised at the meanings and symbolism associated with possibly all the flowers in existence.
Vibrant-colored, eye-catching wild flowers catch our fancy every time we pass a florist. In fact, there are different kinds of flowers that we come across in our day-to-day life, but we hardly know their names. Each of these fragile blooms also have a specific meaning and they are significant in their own way. This is evident from the fact that flowers are an important part of every celebration.Names and Meanings of FlowersFlowers have been associated with various names, meanings and symbols since time immemorial. Each flower bears a meaning and has a unique symbol. Some flowers convey good wishes, some show solemn sympathy, while some simply say, "I love you." Indeed, flower meanings evince all kinds of sentiments and the pretty blooms can express what words cannot. Hence, if you have an idea about flower names and meanings, you can express yourself in a 'flowery' way.
When it comes to naming flowers, we can say that they are classified in the same manner as other plants. To put in simple words, each of the different flower types has two names - common name and scientific name (or Latin name). The common names may vary according to the language and region, while the scientific names of flower are accepted throughout the world. At times, two flowers that look similar may bear the same nickname or common name. Or else, a single flower specimen may have two different common names within the same region. In order to avoid this confusion, scientific names are given according to the ICBN (International Code of Botanical Nomenclature).
The ICBN follows binomial system of taxonomy for assigning scientific flower names, which in turn uses two words for naming flowers. The first word is the genus name (genera to which the flower belongs) and the second word is a species name. For better understanding, let's take an example of China rose, which scientific name is
Rosa chinensis. Here, 'China' is the genus name and 'chinensis' is the species name. In some scientific names, author citations, in abbreviated forms, are used after the species name. For example, the scientific name with author citation for Damask rose is
Rosa damascena Mill., wherein Mill is the abbreviated form of the botanist Philip Miller. He had published the scientific name of Damask rose for the first time according to the rules and regulations of the ICBN. This article sheds light on the list of flower names, their meanings, and pictures.List of Flower Names starting with the letter 'A'Abutilon
Meaning: Meditation
Scientific Name:
Abutilon hybridumAcacia (Rose, White)
Meaning: Friendship, Elegance
Scientific Name:
Acacia sp.Acacia (Yellow)
Meaning: Concealed love
Scientific Name:
Acacia sp.Acanthus
Meaning: Fine arts, Artifice
Scientific Name:
Acanthus mollisAchillea
Meaning: State of war
Scientific Name:
Achillea sp.Aconite (Monkshood)
Meaning: Hatred, Misanthropy words, Be cautious
Scientific Name:
Eranthus hyemalisAdam's Needle
Meaning: Best friends
Scientific Name:
Yucca filamentosa L.Adonis
Meaning: Patience, Humility, Sad memories
Scientific Name:
Adonis vernalisAgrimonyMeaning: Gratitude
Scientific Name:
Agrimonia eupatoriaAlliums
Meaning: Patience, Unity, Humility
Scientific Name:
Allium ampeloprasumAlmond Blossom
Meaning: Hope, Contemplation
Scientific Name:
Prunus dulcisAloe
Meaning: Sorrow, Grief
Scientific Name:
Aloe barbadensisAlstroemeria
Meaning: Wealth, Devotion, Friendship
Scientific Name:
Gomphrena globosaAmaranth (Globe)
Meaning: Immortal love
Scientific Name:
Gomphrena globosaAmaryllis
Meaning: Splendid beauty
Scientific Name:
Amaryllis belladonnaAmbrosiaMeaning: Reciprocated love
Scientific Name:
Ambrosia artemisiifoliaAnemone
Meaning: Fragile, Anticipation
Scientific Name:
Anemone vitifoliaAngelica
Meaning: Inspiration
Scientific Name:
Angelica archangelicaAnthurium
Meaning: Hospitality
Scientific Name:
Malus domesticaApple Blossom
Meaning: Hope, Good fortune
Scientific Name:
Malus domesticaApricot Blossom
Meaning: Diffident love
Scientific Name:
Prunus armeniacaArbor Vitae
Meaning: True friendship
Scientific Name:
Thuja occidentalisArbutus
Meaning: I love thee only
Scientific Name:
Arbutus unedoAsphodel
Meaning: Regret, Lassitude
Scientific Name:
Asphodelus fistulosusAster
Meaning: Love, Contentment, Patience
Scientific Name:
Aster sp.Azalea
Meaning: Fragile, Patience, Chinese symbol for womanhood
Scientific Name:
Rhododendron atlanticumList of Flower Names starting with the letter 'B'Baby's Breath
Meaning: Innocence, Gladness
Scientific Name:
Gypsophila paniculataBachelor Button (Bluebottle, Cornflower)
Meaning: Celibacy, Anticipation, Delicacy, Perfection
Scientific Name:
Centaurea cyanusBalmMeaning: Sympathy
Scientific Name:
Melissa officinalisBalsam (Impatiens)
Meaning: Impatience
Scientific Name:
Impatiens balsaminaBarberry
Meaning: Hot temperament
Scientific Name:
Berberis thunbergiiBay Wreath
Meaning: Glory, Reward for goodness
Scientific Name:
Laurus nobilisBegonia
Meaning: Be cautious, Deep thinking
Scientific Name:
Begonia x tuberhybridaBells of IrelandMeaning: Good luck, Best wishes
Scientific Name:
Moluccella laevisBellwort
Meaning: Hopelessness
Scientific Name:
Uvularia grandifloraBindweed (Convolvulus)
Meaning: Philander, Quidnunc, Perseverance
Scientific Name:
Calystegia sepiumBird of Paradise
Meaning: Festivity, Celebration
Scientific Name:
Strelitzia reginaeBetony
Meaning: Surprise
Scientific Name:
Stachys officinalisBittersweet FlowerMeaning: Truth, Fact
Scientific Name:
Solanum dulcamaraBlack-Eyed Susan (Rudbeckia)
Meaning: Encouragement, Motivation, Impartiality
Scientific Name:
Rudbeckia hirtaBlackthorn (Sloe)
Meaning: Asceticism, Difficulty
Scientific Name:
Prunus spinosaBlue Bell (Harebell, Campanula)
Meaning: Constancy, Never ending love, Gratitude, Appreciation
Scientific Name:
Hyacinthoides hispanicaBouvardiaMeaning: Excitement, Enthusiasm
Scientific Name:
Bouvardia ternifoliaBurdock
Meaning: Boredom, Importunity
Scientific Name:
Arctium tomentosumButtercup
Meaning: Childishness
Scientific Name:
Ranunculus repensButterfly Weed
Meaning: Leave me
Scientific Name:
Asclepias tuberosaList of Flower Names starting with the letter 'C'Cactus
Meaning: Maternal affection and love
Scientific Name:
Echinopsis spachianaCaladium Leaves
Meaning: Ravish, Joyfulness
Scientific Name:
Caladium bicolorCalendula (Pot marigold)
Meaning: Happiness
Scientific Name:
Calendula arvensisCalycanthusMeaning: Benevolence
Scientific Name:
Calycanthus floridusCamellia (White)
Meaning: Adorable, Lovable
Scientific Name:
Camellia japonica,
Camellia sp.Camellia (Pink)
Meaning: Strong desire
Scientific Name:
Camellia japonica,
Camellia sp.Camellia (Red)Meaning: Excellence, Perfection
Scientific Name:
Camellia japonica,
Camellia sp.Chamomile (or Camomile)
Meaning: Enterprisingness, Energy in adversity
Scientific Name:
Anthemis nobilisCandytuft (Iberis)
Meaning: Indifference
Scientific Name:
Iberis sempervirensCardinal Flower
Meaning: Eminence
Scientific Name:
Lobelia cardinalisCarnation (White)
Meaning: Sweetness, Innocence, Pure love
Scientific Name:
Dianthus sp.Carnation (Yellow)
Meaning: Disdain, Rejection
Scientific Name:
Dianthus sp.Carnation (Pink)
Meaning: Unforgettable, Woman's love
Scientific Name:
Dianthus sp.Carnation (Red)
Meaning: Admiration
Scientific Name:
Dianthus sp.Carnation (Purple)
Meaning: Unpredictability, Changeable
Scientific Name:
Dianthus sp.Carnation (Striped)
Meaning: Rejected love
Scientific Name:
Dianthus sp.Cattail
Meaning: Prosperity, Peacefulness
Scientific Name:
Typha latifoliaCedar Leaf
Meaning: Think of me
Scientific Name:
Cedrus sp.Celandine (Lesser)
Meaning: Forthcoming joys
Scientific Name:
Ranunculus ficariaCherry Blossom
Meaning: Good education, Spiritual beauty
Scientific Name:
Prunus sp.Chestnut Flower
Meaning: Seek justice
Scientific Name:
Castanea sativaChrysanthemum (Bronze)Meaning: Excitement
Scientific Name:
Chrysanthemum sp.Chrysanthemum (General)
Meaning: Cheerfulness, Optimism, Wonderful friend, With love
Scientific Name:
Chrysanthemum sp.Chrysanthemum (Red)
Meaning: Love, Affection
Scientific Name:
Chrysanthemum sp.Chrysanthemum (Yellow)
Meaning: Slighted love
Scientific Name:
Chrysanthemum sp.Chrysanthemum (White)
Meaning: Trueness
Scientific Name:
Chrysanthemum sp.CinnamonMeaning: Beauty
Scientific Name:
Cinnamomum verumClematis
Meaning: Ingenuity
Scientific Name:
Clematis caracasanaClove
Meaning: Dignity
Scientific Name:
Syzygium aromaticumClover (Four leaf)
Meaning: Good luck
Scientific Name:
Trifolium sp.Clover (Five leaf)Meaning: Bad luck
Scientific Name:
Trifolium sp.Clover (White flower)Meaning: Think of me
Scientific Name:
Trifolium repensCockscomb
Meaning: Silliness, Absurdity
Scientific Name:
Celosia spicataColtsfoot
Meaning: Maternal care
Scientific Name:
Tussilago farfaraColumbine
Meaning: Deserted love
Scientific Name:
Aquilegia sibiricaCoreopsis
Meaning: Cheerful
Scientific Name:
Coreopsis gladiataCorianderMeaning: Lust
Scientific Name:
Coriandrum sativumCosmos
Meaning: Peaceful
Scientific Name:
Cosmos sulphureusCrocus
Meaning: Prevision, Gladness, Cheerfulness
Scientific Name:
Crocus longiflorusCrown Imperial
Meaning: Powerfulness, Mightiness
Scientific Name:
Fritillaria imperialisCyclamen
Meaning: Goodbye, Separation
Scientific Name:
Cyclamen persicumCypress
Meaning: Mourning, Despair
Scientific Name:
Cupressus sp.List of Flower Names starting with the letter 'D'Daffodil(Jonquil)
Meaning: Chivalry, Unreciprocated love, Sympathy, Please love me
Scientific Name:
Narcissus jonquillaDahlia
Meaning: Dignity, Elegance
Scientific Name:
Dahlia variabilisDaisy
Meaning: Innocence, Loyal beauty
Scientific Name:
Bellis perennisDandelion
Meaning: Happiness, Faithfulness
Scientific Name:
Taraxacum officinaleDaphne Flower
Meaning: Glory, Fame
Scientific Name:
Daphne mezereumDelphinium (Larkspur)
Meaning: Boldness, Ardent attachment, Open hear
Scientific Name:
Delphinium sp.Dew Plant
Meaning: Serenade
Scientific Name:
Lampranthus roseusDog Rose
Meaning: Pleasure
Scientific Name:
Rosa caninaList of Flower Names starting with the letter 'E'Edelweiss
Meaning: Courageous
Scientific Name:
Leontopodium alpinumEglantine (Sweet briar)
Meaning: Spring, Poetry
Scientific Name:
Rosa rubiginosaElderberry Blossom (Elderflower)
Meaning: Kindness, Humility
Scientific Name:
Sambucus canadensisEndive
Meaning: Frugality
Scientific Name:
Leontopodium alpinumEremurus (Foxtail lily or Desert candle)Meaning: Endurance
Scientific Name:
Eremurus himalaicusEryngium (Blue hobbit, Sea holly)
Meaning: Austerity, Independence
Scientific Name:
Eryngium bourgatiiEucalyptusMeaning: Safeguard, Protection
Scientific Name:
Eucalyptus sp.Eupatorium
Meaning: Late, Delay
Scientific Name:
Eupatorium ligustrinumEustomaMeaning: Calmness, Thoughts
Scientific Name:
Eustoma grandiflorumEverlasting Flower
Meaning: Remembrances
Scientific Name:
Helichrysum bracteatumEyebright (Euphrasia)Meaning: Cheer up
Scientific Name:
Euphrasia rostkovianaList of Flower Names starting with the letter 'F'Fennel
Meaning: Strength
Scientific Name:
Foeniculum vulgareFern
Meaning: Sincerity, Confidence
Scientific Name:
Cyathea, sp.,
Lygodium sp.,
Dicksonia sp., etc.Figs
Meaning: Argument
Scientific Name:
Ficus caricaFilbert
Meaning: Reconciliation
Scientific Name:
Corylus maximaFir
Meaning: Evaluation, Time
Scientific Name:
Abies sp.Flax
Meaning: Symbolizes domesticity and kindness
Scientific Name:
Linum usitatissimumFlowering Almond
Meaning: Hope
Scientific Name:
Prunus japonica,
Cerasus japonicaForget-me-not
Meaning: True love, Memories, Hope
Scientific Name:
Myosotis sylvaticaForsythia
Meaning: Anticipation
Scientific Name:
Forsythia europaeaFoxglove (Digitalis)
Meaning: Insincerity
Scientific Name:
Digitalis purpureaFrangipani
Meaning: Protection, Shelter
Scientific Name:
Plumeria sp.Freesia
Meaning: Spirited, Trust
Scientific Name:
Freesia refractaFuchsia
Meaning: Good taste, Confiding love
Scientific Name:
Fuchsia magellanicaFurze
Meaning: Anger
Scientific Name:
Ulex densusList of Flower Names starting with the letter 'G'Gardenia
Meaning: Secret admiration and love
Scientific Name:
Gardenia jasminoidesGentian
Meaning: Sweetness
Scientific Name:
Gentiana vernaGerbera
Meaning: Happiness, Cheerfulness
Scientific Name:
Gerbera jamesoniiGeranium
Meaning: Comfort, Stupidity
Scientific Name:
Pelargonium sp.Gillyflower
Meaning: Lasting beauty
Scientific Name:
Dianthus sp.Ginger Flower
Meaning: Proud, Majestic
Scientific Name:
Zingiber officinaleGladiolus
Meaning: Give me a break, Strength of character
Scientific Name:
Gladiolus imbricatusGloxinia
Meaning: Love at first sight
Scientific Name:
Sinningia speciosaGoldenrod (Solidago)
Meaning: Encouragement, Motivation, Good fortune, Success
Scientific Name:
Solidago shortiiGorse
Meaning: Love in all seasons
Scientific Name:
Ulex europaeusGrass
Meaning: Submission
Scientific Name:
Cyperus sp.,
Pennisetum sp., etc.List of Flower Names starting with the letter 'H'Harlequin FlowerMeaning: Laugh at trouble
Scientific Name:
Corydalis flavulaHawkweedMeaning: Quick-sighted
Scientific Name:
Hieracium aurantiacumHawthorn
Meaning: Hope
Scientific Name:
Crataegus monogynaHazel Flower
Meaning: Reconciliation
Scientific Name:
Hamamelis sp.Heather Flower (white)
Meaning: Protection, Wishfulness
Scientific Name:
Phyllodoce sp.Heather Flower (Pink)
Meaning: Good luck
Scientific Name:
Phyllodoce empetriformisHeather Flower (Lavender)
Meaning: Solitude, Admiration
Scientific Name:
Phyllodoce sp.Heliotrope
Meaning: Eternal love
Scientific Name:
Heliotropium peruvianumHemlockMeaning: You will kill me
Scientific Name:
Oenanthe pimpinelloidesHibiscus
Meaning: Delicate beauty
Scientific Name:
Hibiscus rosa-sinensisHolly
Meaning: Coming of joys
Scientific Name:
Ilex aquifoliumHollyhock
Meaning: Fruitfulness, Ambition
Scientific Name:
Alcea setosaHoneysuckle
Meaning: Devoted love, Generous
Scientific Name:
Lonicera sp.Hop
Meaning: Injustice
Scientific Name:
Humulus lupulusHouseleek
Meaning: Domestic Economy
Scientific Name:
Sempervivum tectorumHyacinth (Blue)
Meaning: Constancy
Scientific Name:
Hyacinthus orientalis,
Hyacinthus sp.Hyacinth (General)
Meaning: Games, Sports
Scientific Name:
Hyacinthus orientalis,
Hyacinthus sp.Hyacinth (Purple)
Meaning: Forgive me
Scientific Name:
Hyacinthus orientalis,
Hyacinthus sp.Hyacinth (Pink, Red)
Meaning: Play
Scientific Name:
Hyacinthus orientalis,
Hyacinthus sp.Hyacinth (White)
Meaning: Loveliness
Scientific Name:
Hyacinthus orientalis,
Hyacinthus sp.Hyacinth (Yellow)Meaning: Jealousness
Scientific Name:
Hyacinthus orientalis,
Hyacinthus sp.Hydrangea (Snowball Flower)
Meaning: Frigidity, Vanity, Heavenly thoughts
Scientific Name:
Hydrangea macrophyllaList of Flower Names starting with the letter 'I'Iceplant
Meaning: Rejection
Scientific Name:
Carpobrotus edulisIpomoea
Meaning: I belong to thee
Scientific Name:
Ipomoea purpureaIris
Meaning: Faith, Thank you for your friendship
Scientific Name:
Iris sanguineaIvy
Meaning: Friendship, Fidelity
Scientific Name:
Hedera helixList of Flower Names starting with the letter 'J'Jacob's Ladder
Meaning: Come down
Scientific Name:
Polemonium foliosissimum,
Polemonium vanbruntiaeJasmine(White)
Meaning: Cheerfulness, Good sense of humor
Scientific Name:
Jasminum officinale,
Trachelospermum jasminoidesJasmine (Yellow)
Meaning: Modesty
Scientific Name:
Gelsemium sempervirensList of Flower Names starting with the letter 'K'Kingcup (Marsh Marigold)
Meaning: Wealth, Riches
Scientific Name:
Caltha palustrisList of Flower Names starting with the letter 'L'Laburnum
Meaning: Pensive beauty
Scientific Name:
Laburnum anagyroidesLady's Slipper
Meaning: Capricious beauty
Scientific Name:
Cypripedium reginae,
Cypripedium calceolusLady's TressesMeaning: Bewitching grace
Scientific Name:
Spiranthes spiralis,
Gyrostachys cernuaLaurel
Meaning: Perseverance, Ambition
Scientific Name:
Kalmia latifoliaLavender
Meaning: Acknowledgment, Constancy
Scientific Name:
Lavandula angustifolia Mill.Lemon Blossom
Meaning: Discretion
Scientific Name:
Citrus limonLilac
Meaning: First love
Scientific Name:
Syringa vulgarisLily(Calla)
Meaning: Symbolizes magnificent beauty and purity
Scientific Name:
Zantedeschia elliottianaLily (Casablanca)
Meaning: Celebrations, Happy occasions
Scientific Name:
Lilium sp.,
Lilium auratumLily (Day)
Meaning: Flirtation, Coquetry
Scientific Name:
Hemerocallis sp.Lily (Eucharis)Meaning: Maiden charms
Scientific Name:
Eucharis amazonicaLily (Orange)
Meaning: Disdain, Hatred, Pride
Scientific Name:
Lilium sp.Lily (Tiger)
Meaning: Pride, Wealth
Scientific Name:
Lilium michiganense,
Lilium sp.Lily (Water) or Lotus
Meaning: Purity, Truth, Mystery, Estranged love
Scientific Name:
Nelumbo nucifera,
Nymphaea sp.Lily (White)
Meaning: Virginity, Majesty
Scientific Name:
Lilium candidumLily (Yellow)
Meaning: Flirtation, Coquetry
Scientific Name:
Lilium sp.Lily-Of-The-Valley
Meaning: Sweetness, Humility, Purity
Scientific Name:
Convallaria majalisLisianthus
Meaning: Calmness
Scientific Name:
Eustoma sp.Lobelia
Meaning: Malevolence, Arrogance
Scientific Name:
Lobelia erinusLondon Pride (Saxifraga)Meaning: Frivolity
Scientific Name:
Saxifraga x urbiumLove-In-The-Mist (Nigella)
Meaning: Perplexity, Delicacy
Scientific Name:
Nigella damascenaLupine (Lupin)
Meaning: Always happy, Voraciousness
Scientific Name:
Lupinus perennisList of Flower Names starting with the letter 'M'Magnolia
Meaning: Nobility, Perseverance, Love for nature
Scientific Name:
Magnolia sieboldii,
Magnolia x wieseneriMallow
Meaning: Deep in love
Scientific Name:
Malacothamnus davidsonii,
Malacothamnus fasciculatusMaple
Meaning: Retirement, Reserve nature
Scientific Name:
Acer sp.Marigold
Meaning: Jealousy, Cruelty, Secret affection
Scientific Name:
Tagetes patula,
Tagetes erectaMarjoram
Meaning: Comfort, Blushes
Scientific Name:
Origanum majoranaMarvel-Of-Peru (Four o'clock flower)
Meaning: Flame of love
Scientific Name:
Mirabilis jalapaMayflower (Trailing arbutus)
Meaning: Welcome, Hospitality, The beginning
Scientific Name:
Epigaea repensMignonette (Reseda)Meaning: Deserve
Scientific Name:
Reseda lutea,
Reseda odorataMimosa
Meaning: Exquisite, Sensitivity
Scientific Name:
Mimosa tenuifloraMint
Meaning: Suspicion
Scientific Name:
Mentha sp.Mistletoe
Meaning: Love and affection
Scientific Name:
Viscum album,
Phoradendron flavescensMotherwort
Meaning: Secret love
Scientific Name:
Leonurus cardiacaMoss RoseMeaning: Confession of love
Scientific Name:
Portulaca grandifloraMyrtle
Meaning: Joy, Love and remembrance
Scientific Name:
Leonurus cardiacaList of Flower Names starting with the letter 'N'Narcissus
Meaning: Formality, Egotism
Scientific Name:
Narcissus pseudonarcissus L.Nasturtium
Meaning: Symbolizes patriotism and conquest
Scientific Name:
Tropaeolum majusNightshades
Meaning: Dark thoughts
Scientific Name:
Solanum dulcamaraList of Flower Names starting with the letter 'O'Oleander
Meaning: Beauty and grace
Scientific Name:
Nerium oleanderOrange Blossom
Meaning: Innocence, Eternal love
Scientific Name:
Citrus ×sinensis,
Citrus aurantiumOrange MockMeaning: Deceit
Scientific Name:
Philadelphus lewisiiOrchid
Meaning: Long-lasting impression, Beautiful lady
Scientific Name:
Dendrobium sp.Orchid Cattleya
Meaning: Mature charm
Scientific Name:
Cattleya percivalianaOxeye Daisy
Meaning: Patience
Scientific Name:
Leucanthemum vulgareList of Flower Names starting with the letter 'P'Pansy
Meaning: Thoughtfulness, Modesty
Scientific Name:
Viola x wittrockiana,
Viola tricolor hortensisPalm Leaves
Meaning: Success, Victory
Scientific Name:
Adonidia merrillii,
Cycas sp.Parsley
Meaning: Festivity
Scientific Name:
Petroselinum crispumPassion Flower
Meaning: Holy love, Faith and believe
Scientific Name:
Passiflora pardifolia,
Passiflora incarnata,
Passiflora edulisPeach Blossom
Meaning: Generosity
Scientific Name:
Prunus persicaPear Blossom
Meaning: Good health, Hope
Scientific Name:
Pyrus communis,
Pyrus sp.Peony
Meaning: Happy Marriage, Happy life
Scientific Name:
Paeonia suffruticosa,
Paeonia sp.Pepper FlowerMeaning: Warm feelings
Scientific Name:
Piper nigrumPeriwinkle (Blue)
Meaning: Beginning of friendship
Scientific Name:
Vinca major L.Periwinkle (White)
Meaning: Delightful memories
Scientific Name:
Catharanthus roseus Petunia
Meaning: Resentment, Anger
Scientific Name:
Phlox drummondii,
Phlox sp.Phlox
Meaning: Sweet dreams, Trying to please you
Scientific Name:
Phlox douglasiiPine
Meaning: Pity, Hope
Scientific Name:
Pinus pinaster,
Pinus sp.Plum Blossom
Meaning: Fidelity, Keeping promises
Scientific Name:
Prunus domesticaPoinsettia
Meaning: Always cheerful
Scientific Name:
Euphorbia pulcherrimaPoppy(General)
Meaning: Imagination, Oblivion
Scientific Name:
Papaver orientale,
Papaver sp.Poppy (Red)
Meaning: Pleasure
Scientific Name:
Papaver rhoeasPoppy (White)
Meaning: Consolation
Scientific Name:
Stylophorum diphyllumPoppy (Yellow)
Meaning: Success, Wealth
Scientific Name:
Eschscholzia californicaPrimrose (General)
Meaning: I can't live without you
Scientific Name:
Primula vulgarisPrimrose (Red)
Meaning: Neglected merit
Scientific Name:
Primula vulgarisPrivetMeaning: Prohibition, Ban
Scientific Name:
Ligustrum ovalifoliumPyxieMeaning: Life is sweet
Scientific Name:
Pyxidanthera brevifoliaList of Flower Names starting with the letter 'Q'Quaking GrassMeaning: Anger, Agitation
Scientific Name:
Briza maximaQuamoclitMeaning: Busybody
Scientific Name:
Ipomoea quamoclitQueen Anne's Lace
Meaning: Fantasy
Scientific Name:
Daucus carotaQuince Blossom
Meaning: Enticement
Scientific Name:
Cydonia oblongaList of Flower Names starting with the letter 'R'Ragged RobinMeaning: Ardor, Intense feeling of love
Scientific Name:
Lychnis flos-cuculiRanunculus
Meaning: Dazzled, Radiant
Scientific Name:
Ranunculus sp.Raspberry Blossom
Meaning: Regret, Remorse
Scientific Name:
Rubus idaeusRhododendron
Meaning: Be cautious
Scientific Name:
Rhododendron ponticumRocket FlowerMeaning: Rivalry, Competition
Scientific Name:
Eruca sativaRose (Black)Meaning: Death
Scientific Name:
Rosa sp.Rose (Bouquet of full blooms)
Meaning: Gratitude
Scientific Name:
Rosa sp.Rose (Bridal)
Meaning: Happy love
Scientific Name:
Rosa sp.Rose (Bud)
Meaning: Innocent love, Beauty and youth
Scientific Name:
Rosa sp.Rose (Bud orange)
Meaning: Desire, Enthusiasm
Scientific Name:
Rosa sp.Rose (Bud red)
Meaning: Adorable, Lovely
Scientific Name:
Rosa sp.Rose (Bud white)Meaning: Girlhood
Scientific Name:
Rosa sp.Rose (Burgundy)
Meaning: Unconscious beauty
Scientific Name:
Rosa sp.Rose (Carolina)
Meaning: Love is dangerous
Scientific Name:
Rosa carolinaRose (Christmas)
Meaning: Tranquility and peacefulness
Scientific Name:
Helleborus nigerRose (Dark crimson)
Meaning: Mourning, Despair
Scientific Name:
Rosa sp.Rose (Dark pink)
Meaning: Gratitude, Thank you
Scientific Name:
Rosa sp.Rose (Lavender)
Meaning: Love at first sight
Scientific Name:
Rosa sp.Rose (Light pink)
Meaning: Admiration
Scientific Name:
Rosa sp.Rose (Orange, Coral)
Meaning: Desire, Enthusiasm
Scientific Name:
Rosa sp.Rose (Peach)
Meaning: Togetherness, Closing of a deal
Scientific Name:
Rosa sp.Rose (Pink)
Meaning: Love, Gracefulness, Happiness
Scientific Name:
Rosa sp.Rose (Pink & White mixed)
Meaning: I love you still and will always love you
Scientific Name:
Rosa sp.Rose (Red)
Meaning: Symbolizes passionate love
Scientific Name:
Rosa sp.Rose (Red & Yellow mixed)
Meaning: Congratulations, Praise, Happiness
Scientific Name:
Rosa sp.Rose (Thornless)Meaning: Love at first sight
Scientific Name:
Rosa 'Zephirine Drouhin'Rose (White)
Meaning: Purity, Innocence, Secrecy, Humility, Youthfulness
Scientific Name:
Rosa sp.Rose (White on red)
Meaning: Flower Emblem of England, Unity and integrity
Scientific Name:
Rosa sp.Rose (Wild)
Meaning: Charming simplicity
Scientific Name:
Rosa acicularisRose (Yellow)
Meaning: Friendship, Joy, Gladness, Jealousy, Infidelity
Scientific Name:
Rosa sp.Rosemary
Meaning: Loyalty, Remembrances
Scientific Name:
Rosmarinus officinalisRueMeaning: Regret, Disdain
Scientific Name:
Ruta graveolensList of Flower Names starting with the letter 'S'Saffron
Meaning: Voluptuousness, Be cautious about excess pleasures
Scientific Name:
Crocus sativusSage
Meaning: Domestic virtues
Scientific Name:
Salvia officinalisSainfoinMeaning: You confuse me
Scientific Name:
Onobrychis sp.Salvia
Meaning: Wisdom, I always think of you
Scientific Name:
Salvia splendensSatin FlowerMeaning: Fascination
Scientific Name:
Sisyrinchium douglasiiSaxifrage
Meaning: Affection
Scientific Name:
Saxifraga cochlearisScabious
Meaning: Unfortunate love, Widowhood
Scientific Name:
Scabiosa columbariaSensitive Plant
Meaning: Sensitivity
Scientific Name:
Mimosa pudicaSmilax
Meaning: Lovely, Constancy
Scientific Name:
Smilax asperaSnapdragon
Meaning: Gracious lady, Deception
Scientific Name:
Antirrhinum sp.Snowdrop
Meaning: Friendship in trouble, Consolation, Hope
Scientific Name:
Galanthus nivalisSpider Flower (Cleome)
Meaning: Elope with me
Scientific Name:
Cleome hasslerianaSpiderwort
Meaning: Regard, Admiration
Scientific Name:
Tradescantia virginianaStar of Bethlehem
Meaning: Atonement, Satisfaction
Scientific Name:
Ornithogalum arabicumStatice
Meaning: Remembrance, Sympathy
Scientific Name:
Limonium sp.Stephanotis (Madagascar Jasmine)
Meaning: Happiness in marriage
Scientific Name:
Stephanotis floribundaStock Flower
Meaning: Bonds of affection, Everlasting beauty
Scientific Name:
Matthiola incanaStrawberry Flower
Meaning: Perfect goodness
Scientific Name:
Fragaria ananassaSunflower
Meaning: Wishes, Loyalty
Scientific Name:
Helianthus annuusSweet Pea Flower
Meaning: Departure, Goodbye
Scientific Name:
Lathyrus odoratusSweet William
Meaning: Perfection, Grant me one smile
Scientific Name:
Verbena bipinnatifidaSyringa
Meaning: You shall be happy yet
Scientific Name:
Syringa vulgarisList of Flower Names starting with the letter 'T'Tamarisk (Salt Cedar)Meaning: Crime, Guilty
Scientific Name:
Tamarix gallicaTansy
Meaning: Resistance, Neglected
Scientific Name:
Tanacetum vulgareTeasel Flower
Meaning: Hatred
Scientific Name:
Dipsacus laciniatusThistle
Meaning: Nobility, Austerity
Scientific Name:
Cirsium vulgareThrift (Sea Pinks)Meaning: Sympathy
Scientific Name:
Armeria maritimaThyme
Meaning: Courage and strength
Scientific Name:
Thymus vulgarisTuberoseMeaning: Dangerous
Scientific Name:
Polianthes tuberosaTulip (Pink)
Meaning: Caring
Scientific Name:
Tulipa pulchella,
Tulipa gesneriana,
Tulipa sp.Tulip (Purple)
Meaning: Royalty
Scientific Name:
Tulipa pulchella,
Tulipa gesneriana,
Tulipa sp.Tulip (Red)
Meaning: Declaration of love, Believe me
Scientific Name:
Tulipa pulchella,
Tulipa gesneriana,
Tulipa sp.Tulip (White)
Meaning: Forgiveness
Scientific Name:
Tulipa pulchella,
Tulipa gesneriana,
Tulipa sp.Tulip (Yellow)
Meaning: Hopeless love
Scientific Name:
Tulipa pulchella,
Tulipa gesneriana,
Tulipa sp.List of Flower Names starting with the letter 'V'Verbena (Vervain)
Meaning: Tender, Emotional, You will get your wish, Superstition
Scientific Name:
Verbena brasiliensisValerian
Meaning: An accommodating disposition
Scientific Name:
Centranthus ruberVeronica Flower
Meaning: Fidelity
Scientific Name:
Veronica chamaedrysViolet (General)Meaning: Faithfulness, Modesty
Scientific Name:
Viola sp.Violet (Blue)
Meaning: Faithfulness, Watchfulness
Scientific Name:
Viola sp.Virginia Flower (Dogwood Flower)
Meaning: I cling to you, Longevity
Scientific Name:
Cornus floridaViscariaMeaning: Will you dance with me
Scientific Name:
Lychnis viscariaList of Flower Names starting with the letter 'W'Wake Robin
Meaning: Ardor, Zeal
Scientific Name:
Trillium erectumWallflowerMeaning: Adversity, Friendship
Scientific Name:
Erysimum sp.Wisteria
Meaning: Poetry, Youth, Steadfast
Scientific Name:
Wisteria frutescensWitch Hazel
Meaning: A spell, Inspiration
Scientific Name:
Hamamelis mollisWolfsbane
Meaning: Misanthropy
Scientific Name:
Aconitum variegatumWoodruff Flower (Wild Baby's Breath)
Meaning: Sweet humility
Scientific Name:
Galium odoratumWormwood
Meaning: Absence
Scientific Name:
Artemisia absinthiumList of Flower Names starting with the letter 'X'XeranthemumMeaning: Eternity, Immortality
Scientific Name:
Xeranthemum annuumList of Flower Names starting with the letter 'Y'Yarrow
Meaning: Good health
Scientific Name:
Achillea millefoliumList of Flower Names starting with the letter 'Z'Zephyranthes
Meaning: Expectation
Scientific Name:
Zephyranthes grandifloraZinnia (Magenta)Meaning: Long-lasting affection
Scientific Name:
Zinnia elegans,
Zinnia sp.Zinnia (Mixed)
Meaning: Thoughts of an absent friend
Scientific Name:
Zinnia sp.Zinnia (Pink)
Meaning: Lasting affection
Scientific Name:
Zinnia sp.Zinnia (Scarlet)
Meaning: Constancy
Scientific Name:
Zinnia sp.Zinnia (Yellow)
Meaning: Remembrance
Scientific Name:
Zinnia sp.In addition to the above flower pictures and names which you can identify easily, there are several other flowers that have not been categorized till date. Also, the symbolic meanings of flowers may differ slightly for different cultures and traditions.