Pink flowering trees are quite a sight to behold. This article will take you through the numerous, colorful trees preferred by people for their gardens.

A tree with pink flowers is a breathtakingly beautiful sight. Anyone would love to have a garden full of pink flowering trees. There are plenty of varieties to choose from and they are very easy to grow, as these trees adapt easily to different types of environment and require minimum maintenance.
The Crab Apple Tree
A pink flowering Crab apple tree in your garden will turn every neighbor envy. The popular varieties in pink are the Profusion Crab apple which yields deep pink flowers and the Robinson Crab apple which yields light pink blooms. The profusion Crab apple with its rich pink blooms can dazzle the landscape and can be grown in any soil type. The Robinson Crab apple is a fast growing flowering tree which blooms early in the spring and bears decorative fruits in the fall.
The Dogwood Tree
These trees are relatively small and very ideal for those with small gardens. Dogwood trees yield flowers in white, pink and red. The pink flowering Dogwood tree is one of the most popular. It is easy to grow and requires minimum maintenance. Its bright pink blooms will lend a distinct hue and color to your garden landscape. In the autumn, its leaves turn deep red, which again adds to the beauty of your garden. The fruit of the Pink Dogwood is a food source for many song birds like robins, cardinals and waxwings, in the winter. So, this tree will delight you in all seasons of the year.
The Cherry Tree
Cherry trees are the prettiest amongst flowering trees and the popular ones are the Okame cherry tree, Akebono cherry tree, Kwanzan cherry tree and the Yoshino cherry tree. Out of these, the Okame, the Akebono and the Kwanzan bear pink flowers. The Akebono grows to a height of 25 feet and produces fragrant semi-double blooms. The leaves turn bright yellow in the fall. The Kwanzan is one of the brightest of all Japanese cherry trees, as it produces bundles of large double pink blooms and has a glossy bark. The Okame tree bears flowers which have carmine-pink petals and red calyx and flower stalks. It blooms consistently year after year. Pink flowering cherry trees require good drainage in acidic soil and are very sensitive to drought conditions.
The Almond Tree
This one is a kind of small wonder. It is a diminutive tree that grows to a height of 4-5 feet only. The pink flowering almond tree is a multi-stemmed shrub that bears a solid mass of double-pink blooms in the early spring months of April-May. This tree is ideal for those who have small garden spaces and it is perfect for border or foundation plantings. It grows well in organically rich, moist soil and also has good adaptability and drought tolerance.
The Crape Myrtle
The Crape Myrtle trees are the king of colors. Crape Myrtles are a favorite among Southerners because these trees have a long blooming period from the mid-summer to fall, about 4 months. These trees can grow to a height of 40 feet and bear flowers in pink, white, red and lavender. The pink varieties include the Tuskegee, Miami, Seminole, Tuscarora, Potomac and Tonto Crape Myrtle. These trees are easy to grow, resist diseases well and bloom for long periods.
Pink flower trees are naturally the preferred choice for most people who want a beautiful garden landscape. The varying shades of pink add a dash of beauty and contrast well with green. While you are in the process of landscaping, make sure you think about whether some particular pink flowering trees will blend or contrast well with your existing landscape, and accordingly, decide on that shade of pink which will go well with the colors in your garden. A garden full of flowering trees may not delight you all that much if there is a horrible clash between the various colors of the flowers. The right mix and match of colors is essential to create the best flower gardens and the perfect garden landscape.