Capable of thriving in a wide variety of growing conditions, azaleas make a wonderful addition to your backyard, garden, and porch. Read the Buzzle article to find out how to grow these plants indoors, and take proper care of it.

A deciduous and evergreen flowering plant, azaleas bloom during spring. Mostly found in damp mountainous spots, the flowers usually die only after a few weeks of life. As too much of sunlight is not an issue for these plants, growing them inside your home will require some special techniques.
Materials Needed
- Acidic houseplant fertilizer
- Peat-based potting soil
- Spray bottle
- Clay pot
- Azaleas
Step #1: Purchase plants from a nursery that have a few blooms or buds. Make sure the color of the leaves is dark green leaves.
Step #2: Keep the plants in the porch or on a windowsill as this will provide them with maximum sunlight during the day; however, make sure the area has a shade as the plants require partial sunlight. But do make sure that the temperature in these areas is always between 55―60ºF. Growing the plants in controlled temperature will prolong blooming throughout the season, as compared to just a month.
Step #3: Keep the soil moist during the day. The soil should feel damp when you touch it, and not soaked completely. Do not drown the plants in water. If the flowers haven't bloomed yet, use a spray bottle filled with water to clean the leaves at least once a day. You can use tap water to mist and water the plants. If you live in an area where you get alkaline water, add a tablespoon of vinegar to a gallon of water while watering, and not misting the plants.
Step #4: Always make sure to remove any dead or damaged flowers and leaves off the plants. Pluck them out and discard the deadheaded blooms as well. Also remove the dead flowers that may have fallen down in the dirt.
Step #5: Purchase an acidic houseplant fertilizer and use it on the flowers once a month. The bag should either say "acidic" on it, or should contain sulfur in it. The only time you will use the fertilizer is when the flowers have died, and not when the plants have proper blooms.
Step #6: Once the plants grow in number, repot them during late summer or early fall. Most azaleas need repotting every 2 to 3 years in bigger clay pots. For repotting, add peat-based potting soil in the new clay pot and then transfer the plant along with the root system. The correct way is by holding it from its base and gently tipping the old pot upside down. This way the plant will slide out of the pot with ease and can be replaced in the new pot immediately. You will need to use potting soil to cover the roots.