Flowers are planted in the garden primarily for their colors or fragrance. Do you want to create a garden that will emit sweet fragrance day and night, and one that will soothe and calm your jangled nerves after a hard day's work? Pick your choice from the most fragrant flowers available, for your garden.

What Do Flowers Mean to You!"Flowers... are a proud assertion that a ray of beauty outvalues all the utilities of the world." ―
Ralph Waldo Emerson"The violets in the mountains have broken the rocks." ―
Tennessee Williams"I'd rather have roses on my table than diamonds on my neck." ―
Emma GoldmanThink of a particular place where you would want to go when you are sad or in a bad mood. What would cheer you up then? William Wordsworth, the great poet, also suffered from pensive moods. On one such occasion, he wandered off alone, and finally, totally weary, sat down on a meadow lost in his thoughts. As he looked around, his eyes fell on the beautiful daffodils swaying in the cool morning breeze. He suddenly found himself smiling and realized the effect these lovely flowers had on him. They seemed to lift off the burden he felt in his heart in an instant, and that inspired him to pen this beautiful poem:
"For oft, when on my couch I lie
In vacant or in pensive mood,
They flash upon that inward eye
Which is the bliss of solitude;
And then my heart with pleasure fills,
And dances with the daffodils."Flowers, with their lovely shapes and beautiful colors, exude a presence that lightens your overburdened soul. Their sweet fragrance is like a balm to your weary, hurting head. Does this mean that, like Wordsworth, we would need to find a meadow with beautiful blossoms every time we feel low? Of course, not! You can create your own little heaven on earth by planting lovely fragrant flowers in your backyard.Here's How...
Take your pick from the list of best smelling flowers in Buzzle's garden and plant one or as many as you can in yours...Go Wintry With White Fragrant FlowersLily of the Valley

Though they look fragile, you can enjoy the sweet fragrance of these flowers throughout the year. These perennial flowers are easy to grow in zones 2-9 according to United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). An easy-to-care plant, it does not require much care to bloom. November or December is the ideal period to plant the seeds. As it is a poisonous plant, be extra careful while planting it. Partial shade and moist soil enhance its growth. However, the plant can adapt to full sun or completely shaded areas.Star Jasmine

These sweet-scented flowers are found in tropical or warm regions. The essential oils extracted from them are used in perfumes and aromatherapy, which induce a relaxing effect. It is an evergreen plant that grows well in zones with USDA code 9-11. The plant adapts well to heat, humidity, and light drought. However, the plant requires plenty of sunlight as its leaves remain active throughout the year, even in winter. The ideal time to plant Star Jasmines is late summer to early fall. The plant can be grown in a variety of soil types. However, when planted in sandy soil, regular watering is recommended.Sweet Alyssum

These tiny, sweet-smelling flowers are grown yearly. They bloom well in zones with USDA code 7-11. The flower carpets are either pink, white, yellow, peach, or purple in color. They are perfect for cool seasons and can be easily grown. The plant prefers neutral to a rich mix in soil type. Though the plant grows well in full sun, keeping the soil moist with regular watering is necessary. Deadheading the plant promotes flowering. Alyssums grown in containers require more fertilizing than those planted in the ground.Shrub With Fragrant FlowersRose

The sweet, enticing fragrance of roses captures the hearts of many a poet. Ample sunlight, regular trimming, and fertilization are necessary to grow a successful and blooming bed of roses. Summer, spring, and fall are their blooming seasons. USDA codes vary for every rose type. They need loamy type of soil. Generally, they are planted after the average last frost date. The plants need a good 5-6 hours of sun, though there are shade tolerant variety of roses as well. In addition, good air circulation is needed for the plant to grow well. Regular watering enhances their blooming, and in turn, you will be rewarded with a bed of beautiful, fragrant roses.Daphne

The plant produces pink flowers with a strong, fruity scent from late January to February. The planting season is spring in zones with USDA codes 7-9. Daphnes grow best when the soil is well-drained, moisture-retentive, and rich with humus. This plant does not tolerate droughts. Light trimming is recommended every once in a while, especially within the area of healthy leaf growth. A must in your garden, exclusive and complete care can make these flowers blossom well.Lilac

These sweet-spicy scent, star-shaped flowers grow in a cluster. They are hardy, easy-to-grow, and are low maintenance. Areas with chill and mild winter climate are most conducive for their growth, mainly in zones with USDA codes 3-7. During the summers or in areas with a warm climate, they need complete exposure to the sun, or light shade will also do. They grow in any soil type. They are available in different shades like red, pink, yellow, blue, etc. This plant does not require annual pruning; however, faded flowers should be cut off from the main branch. It gives the plant a chance to work on the new blooms.Climbing Plant With Fragrant FlowersSweet Pea

These flowers are known for their intense fragrance. Their colors range from red, pink to yellow and white. Mild-winter climate is suitable for their growth. The USDA zones 8-10 are areas where they blossom well. They bloom best in early spring. The plant needs well-drained and loamy soil with exposure to full sun. They grow well in moist soil. Slugs and snails as well as rust, gray mold, and leaf spots are a menace to these plants. Hence, extra care is required to keep away these pests.Wisteria

Wisterias, with purple and white-hued petals, look like a bunch of grapes. Spring and autumn are their planting periods, and April to June is the flowering period. USDA hardiness zones for the plant are 4-9. Wisterias grow well in full sun and partly shaded areas with well-drained and fertile soil. The plant dries out quickly in light or sandy soil. Therefore, it should be watered well in dry conditions and needs regular trimming to blossom beautifully.Honeysuckle

This climber plant flowers in mid-summer. Its vines are suited to grow in partial shade to full sun, and the flowers emit a powerful scent. This is an easy-to-grow plant. The plant's hardiness zones are 2-10. It needs moist and well-drained soil. Regular pruning is not required, just cutting back the overgrown shoots, and removing weak and damaged stems are enough. Water regularly in dry conditions.Fragrant Flowers for PatioLavender

These flowers entice one with their sweet perfume, and blossom best in well-drained soil and ample sun. They bloom well in summer especially in hardiness zones with USDA 8-11. The soil type for the plant can vary from sandy, loamy to gravelly. Young lavenders need care like any other perennial plant. The plant can tolerate dry spells and heat if well rooted. However, watering in drought is necessary. Pruning 1/3 of the plant, weeks before hard frost, is recommended.Dianthus

These spicy fragrant flowers come in pink, white, and red colors. They fit in both annual and perennial plant types. The USDA zones for the plants are 3-10. The plant needs fertile and well-drained soil. Watering and fertilizing regularly is recommended. Overwatering might cause the leafage to turn yellow. Weekly watering in enough. It needs good air circulation around its stems. Cutting off the top of the stem, layering, and plant division works wonders and prevents plant diseases.Peony

These flowers are low maintenance and bloom all throughout the year. The USDA zones for the flowers are 3-8. The planting season is fall. The plant needs loamy soil with full or part sun exposure. The flowers bloom in fertile, humus-rich, deep, and well-drained moist soil. Watering the plant regularly is a must. The plant should be sheltered from strong wind. The flowers bloom best in sunny spots. Deadheading the plant every once in a while is recommended.Fragrant Flowers at NightMoonflower

Also known as Devil's Trumpet (hardiness zones 8-11), they are available in pink, red, yellow, and white colors with a touch of gold in the middle. The plant grows well in fertile soil. It needs regular watering and fertilization. Ample sunlight enhances blossoming. The sweet scent of these flowers elicit a tropical feeling in you.Nicotiana

The sweet scent of these flowers gets stronger at night. The flowers of this tobacco plant open at dusk; however, this perennial plant is short-lived. The hardiness zones for this plant are 5-11. The soil should be moist but not soggy. Planting it in sunny or partially shady spots is recommended. Deadheading the plant for enhancing a beautiful bloom would be a great idea. Removing the spent flowers promotes health in the plant.Evening Primrose

Originally from North America, these beautiful yellow flowers are named so, as they bloom only at night. This biennial plant blooms from May to July. 3-11 are the best USDA hardiness zones where they grow well. The plant adapts in well-drained soil. The most common afflictions this plant suffers are aphids, leaf spots, rusts, etc. The oil from these flowers is used in the treatment of various heart ailments, arthritis, etc.Fragrant Flowers of HawaiiFrangipani

Plumerias or Hawaiian Lei flowers is another name given to Frangipani (USDA 10-11), and they are available in tropical and sunset colors. This tropical plant requires full sun and well-drained soil. They tolerate sea breeze but not high winds. Organic fertilizers are recommended for this plant. You can use different pruning techniques to promote blossoming in this plant. The plant may decay due to fungus; hence, proper care is needed.Tuberose

The plant type is perennial, and its bulb-shaped flowers are rich in fragrance. Its hardiness zones are 7-10. The flowers bloom in mid to late summer. The plant grows well in full sun. Keeping the soil moist as well as monthly fertilization is necessary for the plant's growth. In some varieties, these white flowers may have a touch of pink. They are used for making bouquets, as they withhold their scent beautifully even after being picked.Gardenia

All that these flowers require are rich soil, light shade, and regular watering for them to blossom well. This plant flowers in early summer. These thick, light, and wax-like flowers are known for their intoxicating aroma. The plant can be grown indoors and outdoors as well. Its hardiness zones are 7-10. It needs well-drained, acidic soil. Regular watering and humidity leads to its healthy growth. A full sun and some shade in the hottest summers promote their growth.A colorful and fragrant garden is what you need to revive your drooping spirits. As Ralph Waldo Emerson had said,
"The earth laughs in flowers." Plant these beautiful flowers in your garden and see your sorrow turn to joy.