People have been fascinated with the unusual flight and beauty of hummingbirds. Over the years, gardeners have tried various ways to attract these birds to their gardens with various flowering plants, and created a conducive environment for them. This article will tell you how you can do the same.

Quick Fact
Hummingbirds need around 10,000 calories of energy every day. To do this, they must consume nectar from thousands of flowers. This means that the chances of hummingbirds visiting your garden is directly proportional to the number of flowers in it.Hummingbirds are the smallest birds that exist on planet Earth, with the largest species growing only up to 3 inches in length. These birds have a beautiful, shiny plumage, that comes in a variety of colors. No other bird species can fly the way a hummingbird can. Their unique body allows them to hover in one spot to feed on nectar from flowers, with a wing speed of 70 - 90 beats every second, and fly in any direction, even backwards. These characteristics are alluring to most gardeners, and creating an environment to attract hummingbirds is easy if you have the appropriate knowledge.
To bring hummingbirds to your garden, you need to make sure that the area has plenty of flowers, safety, water, and places for them to shelter in. Planting flowers that attract hummingbirds does not mean that you have to sacrifice the aesthetics of the landscape. The sheer variety of plants available for this purpose will enable you to create one of the most impressive landscapes in your area. All you need to do is plan the location of each plant strategically, for maximum effect.
Flowers That Attract Hummingbirds
Bee Balm
Scientific Name: Monarda didyma
Native to: North AmericaBottlebrush
Scientific Name: Callistemon citrinus
Native to: AustraliaBuddleia
Scientific Name: Buddleja caryopteridifolia
Native to: America, Asia, and AfricaCatmint
Scientific Name: Nepeta cataria
Native to: Europe, Asia, and AfricaChinese Lantern
Scientific Name: Physalis alkekengi
Native to: Europe and South AsiaSpider Flowers
Scientific Name: Cleome hassleriana
Native to: Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay, and BrazilColumbines
Scientific Name: Aquilegia vulgaris
Native to: Northern HemisphereDaylilies
Scientific Name: Hemerocallis fulva
Native to: China, Japan, and KoreaDelphiniums
Scientific Name: Delphinium staphisagria
Native to: Northern Hemisphere and Central AfricaDianthus
Scientific Name: Dianthus caryophyllus
Native to: Europe, Asia, and North AfricaFirebush
Scientific Name: Hamelia patens
Native to: North and South AmericaFlowering Maple
Scientific Name: Abutilon pictum
Native to: America, Australia, Asia, and AfricaFlowering Tobacco
Scientific Name: Nicotiana alata
Native to: South AmericaFoxglove
Scientific Name: Digitalis purpurea
Native to: Europe, Asia and AfricaFuchsia
Scientific Name: Fuchsia magellanica
Native to: New Zealand, South and Central AmericaBellflowers
Scientific Name: Campanula latifolia
Native to: Asia, Africa, and Mediterranean regionHollyhock
Scientific Name: Alcea rosea
Native to: Europe and AsiaImpatiens
Scientific Name: Impatiens pseudoviola
Native to: Tropics of the northern hemisphereLantana
Scientific Name: Lantana camara
Native to: America, Africa, and AustraliaLupine Flowers
Scientific Name: Lupinus angustifolius
Native to: Mediterranean and North and South AmericaPenstemon
Scientific Name: Penstemon campanulatus
Native to: North America and east AsiaPhlox Flowers
Scientific Name: Phlox caespitosa
Native to: North AmericaPetunias
Scientific Name: Petunia axillaris
Native to: South AmericaPincushion Flowers
Scientific Name: Scabiosa columbaria
Native to: Europe and AsiaRhododendrons
Scientific Name: Rhododendron simsii
Native to: AsiaRose of Sharon
Scientific Name: Hibiscus syriacus
Native to: AsiaSage
Scientific Name: Salvia officinalis
Native to: Mediterranean regionScarlet Sage
Scientific Name: Salvia splendens
Native to: BrazilTrumpet Honeysuckle
Scientific Name: Lonicera Sempervirens
Native to: China, Europe, America, and IndiaShrimp Plant
Scientific Name: Justicia brandegeeana
Native to: Mexico and FloridaTorch Lily
Scientific Name: Kniphofia uvaria
Native to: South Africa, America, Australia, and EuropeTrumpet Bush
Scientific Name: Tecoma stans
Native to: North and South AmericaWeigela Flowers
Scientific Name: Weigela florida
Native to: Eastern AsiaFlag Iris
Scientific Name: Iris pseudacorus
Native to: Northwest Africa, Europe, and western Asia
Tips to Make Your Garden Hummingbird-friendly
- Along with the flowering plants, use some trees, shrubs, climbing vines, and herbs to create a garden with various height variables.
- Opt for flowers with bright colors, because hummingbirds locate their food by sight, rather than smell.
- Make arrangements for a sprinkler or fountain, because hummingbirds love to bathe in the spray.
- Grow the plants with some space between them, to facilitate easy movement for these birds.
- Orange and red are a hummingbird's favorite colors. Grow your plants accordingly.
- Plant a few dense shrubs which can be used by the birds as shelter.
- Avoid the use of chemical pesticides, to keep the birds from getting sick.
- Grow plants that flower one after the other. This will ensure that the hummingbirds will visit your garden throughout the year.
- Strew some lint in your garden. Hummingbirds use it in their nests.
These were the best flowers to attract hummingbirds. Creating a hummingbird-friendly garden will also attract many butterflies that are nearby, making the experience doubly enjoyable. So, now that you know what flowers hummingbirds like, go ahead, be creative, and create a space that will definitely bring a smile to your face.