To know about the various water flower names, scroll down.

Flowers hold a significant importance since a very long time. They are a part of every culture and tradition. In Hindu mythology, lord Vishnu is often depicted standing on a lotus flower. In fact, a lot of Hindu religious rituals are incomplete without the presence of flowers. Roman goddesses are also depicted with flowers in their hands. In the Japanese art form called "ikebana", flowers are used to convey spiritual expressions. Numerous poets like William Wordsworth, William Blake, and so on, draw inspiration from flowers to pen their art form. Remember William Wordsworth's "I wandered lonely as a cloud." Flowers have also inspired well-known painters to come up with a host of celebrated paintings. Van Gogh's portrayal of the sunflower series is an excellent piece of flower art work.
The delicacy and beauty associated with these flowers is enchanting, and that is why flowers also make the most amazing gifts ever for friends and family alike. Be it marriage or any other occasion, flower decoration is given the first priority. On birthdays, flowers are simple gift ideas and are loved by everyone. If you pay a visit to someone in the hospital to wish them a speedy recovery, flowers have to accompany you. Flowers are also the most common way to express love.
There are various types of flowers like wild flowers, purple flowers, perennial flowers, Hawaiian flowers, seasonal flowers, wedding flowers, spring flowers, and so on. But water flowers are very rarely known and acknowledged. Water flowers, as the name suggests, are waterborne and are gaining popularity. The new concept of a water wedding (where the couple exchange the wedding vows along a beach shore, in a pool or just by an aquatic setup created mainly for the occasion) requires water flowers to decorate the venue and other things. They look simply beautiful and unique. If you have a pond in your house or really want an aquarium, water flowers are perfect to add to the beauty of the pond or an aquarium.
List of Water Flower Names
- Amazon Lily
- Arrowhead
- Armeria Maritima
- Blue Pickerel Weed
- Bog Rosemary
- Bulbous Bittercress
- Buttonbush
- Buckberry
- Cattail
- Canna
- Common Cotton Grass
- Common Pitcher
- Canadian Burnet
- Cuckoo Flower
- Chinese Peone
- Duckweed
- Drum Stick Primula
- Fairy Moss
- Fragrant Waterlily
- Flowering Rush
- Giant Cowslip
- Golden Club
- Greater Spearwort
- Great Bur Reed
- Hardy Water Lily
- Hosta Plantain Lily
- Japanese Primrose
- Lotus
- Marsh Marigold
- Marsh Ragwort
- Mare's Tail
- Papyrus
- Pickerelweed
- Parrot's Feather
- Pickleweed
- Rigid Hornwort
- Sacred Lotus
- Scarlet Rosemallow
- Skunk Cabbage
- Snakeweed
- Stargrass
- Tulip Lotus
- Texas Mud Baby
- Water Arum
- Water Parsnip
- Water Smartweed
- Water Lily Perry's Baby Red
- Water Lily Perry's Fire Opal
- Water Lily Ruby
- Water Lily Sunrise
- Water Poppy
- Water Snowflake
- Water Hyacinth
- White Turtlehead
- Winterberry
- Yerba Mansa
- Yellow Iris
- Yellow Floating Heart
- Yellow Water Crowfoot
- Yellow Monkey Flower
If you are planning for a water wedding, you know the names of these water flowers, which makes it easy to convey your choice to the florist. And if you plan to beautify your aquarium or pond, the florist would be in a better position to help you out with the availability of these water plants. You just have to tell him the water flower names you like and would want to buy!
"As a lotus flower is born in water, grows in water and rises out of water to stand above it unsoiled, so I, born in the world, raised in the world, having overcome the world, live unsoiled by the world" - Buddha.