Flowers look beautiful in various colors, but are unique and are liked by one and all. These extraordinarily colored flowers are hard to find and exceptional to look at. Here are some types of exotic blue flowers.

Blue is a color which is hard to be disliked by anyone. The beauty of our oceans and the sky looks phenomenal in blue. One of the exquisite creations of nature are flowers. As they come in some gorgeous colors, shapes, and sizes, they are pleasant and peaceful to look at. Blue flowers are especially beautiful.
They are a rare species, but found in abundance wherever they are located.
These flowers symbolize intellect and spirituality, which is mysterious, yet important. Given below are the different types, which are impressive and can be used on various occasions according to personal choice.
Flower Names
Agastache, Ajuga, Alcea, Allium, Alstroemeria, Amsonia
Baptisia, Bergenia, Brunnera, Buddleia
Cirsium, Clematis, Codonopsis, Convolvulus, Corydalis, Cymbalaria
Delosperma, Delphinium, Dianthus, Digitalis, Dracocephalum
Erinus, Erodium, Eryngium, Erysimum, Eucomis
Geum, Glechoma, Globularia
Hemerocallis, Hesperis, Horminum, Hosta, Houstonia
Iris Isotoma
Lathyrus, Lavandula, Liatris, Lilium, Limonium, Linaria, Linum
Molinia, Monarda, Myosotidium, Myosotis
Nectaroscordum, Nepeta
Omphalodes, Origanum
Polemonium, Pratia, Primula, Pulmonaria, Pulsatilla
Rosmarinus, Roscoea
Sesleria, Sisyrinchium, Stachys, Stokesia, Symphytum
Teucrium, Thymus, Tradescantia, Tricyrtis
Vernonia, Veronica, Veronicastrum, Vinca, Viola
Those were some blue flowers types, which are quite rare in nature and if you want to purchase these for special occasions, the best market would be the Internet. Another fact is that most of the flowers with blue in their names are never blue in color. They are either purple or some other shade of violet. As they have such striking colors, they can be used as a decorative adornment on a bed or a center table or the balcony. Some flowers used for this purpose are agetarium, verbena, delphinium, and larkspur. Recently another rare modification in the petunia was introduced and named the "Sky Blue".
They can also be used as a ground cover in a garden or a yard. It would look stunning and breathtaking to see a whole backyard full of rich blue colored flowers. You can use flowers like the vinca, iris cristata, blue emerald, and blue bugleweed for this purpose, as they will definitely make your neighbors want to visit you more often.
There are some shrubs which have blue colored flowers and can be used as ornamental plants in your garden or porch. If you have a pathway that goes to your garden, it would be a great idea to plant some of these shrubs on the edges. These shrubs would be, bluebeard, Russian sage, rose of Sharon, mahonia, and butterfly bush. Another exotic plant is the Morning glory, which is a vine that has blue flowers on it. This plant has long blooms, which trail over absolutely any surface and look amazing. However, these flowers close in the afternoons.
Some more choices that you can use to decorate your garden can be perennial flowers like columbine, astilbe, iris, Jacob's ladder, etc. These are more convenient than planting annuals as they survive for a longer period of time, if taken care of. However, they are slightly expensive. A garden full of these would look delightful.
So, if you are a blue flower fan, refer to the types of blue flowers mentioned above. You choose some of these eye-catching flowers for your garden to make it look one of a kind.