The most beautiful season of the year may just be spring, where the flowers are back in bloom and the air is fresh with the promise of summer around the bend. Learn about the different types of spring flowers that emerge during this plentiful, flowering season.

Some flowers grow in spring whereas some of the beautiful blossoms are seen during fall. Seasons come and go, but every season has its own set of characteristic floral blooms that mark the advent of these season. Spring flowers are the basically the flowers that bloom in spring and these can be categorized as early spring flowers and late spring flowers depending on the time of flowering.
List of Early Spring Flowers
Early spring flowers include buttercup anemones, irises, Eastern redbuds and many other flowers. Other popular early spring flowers include, ghost flower, snowdrop, lesser celandine, field Wood-rush and contra costa goldfields.
Yellow Anemone (
Anemone ranunculoides): This spring flower also known as the yellow wood anemone or buttercup anemone, is a species of a herbaceous perennial plant. It grows in forests across most of Continental Europe, and rarely in the Mediterranean region. Yellow anemone flowers between March and May. The flowers of this plant are about 1.5 cm diameter and have five to eight rich yellow colored petal-like segments.
Early Star-of-Bethlehem (
Gagea bohemica): The Welsh Star-of-Bethlehem / Radnor Lily is a spring-flowering plant in the genus Gagea of the family Liliaceae. It is found in the Mediterranean region, central Europe and in some parts of France and Germany. The flowers are seen from January to March or April. There are around four flowers on each plant and the flowers are yellow and have six petals and are about 1½ cm in diameter.
Iris: (
Iris germanica) Iris is a genus, which includes as many as 200 to 300 species of flowering plants with colorful flowers. There exist a wide variety of Iris flowers, which are found in various parts of the world. Iris is the state flower of Tennessee. Irises are extensively grown as ornamental plants in gardens.
Eastern Redbud (
Cercis Canadensis): It is a large shrub or small tree which is native to eastern North America. The flowers are seen in April or May. The flowers are papilionaceous and rose-colored. There are five petals in which the upper petal is the smallest and is enclosed in the bud by the wings and encircled by the broader petals. These flowers are borne in groups of four to eight together.
List of Late Spring Flowers
Late spring flowers include several flowers like mountain laurels, spring snowflakes, bloodroots and sweet crabapple flowers. Some of the other popular late spring flowers include chestnut oak flowers and Carolina silver bells.
Mountain-laurel (
Kalmia latifolia): this spring flower is also known as Spoonwood and is a flowering plant that belongs to the family Ericaceae. These flowers are native to the eastern United States. The flowers of Mountain - laurel bloom between May and June and are star-shaped and appear in clusters. The flower colors range from red to pink to white. It blooms between May and June. This spring flower is also known as Ivy bush or Calico Bush, Sheep Laurel, Lambkill and Clamoun. All parts of the plant are poisonous. This is the state flower of Connecticut and Pennsylvania.
Spring Snowflake (
Leucojum vernum): The snowflakes are native to southern Europe but they have been introduced and have naturalized in other locations like the east coast of North America. The snowflake flowers are small and bell-shaped, white with a green spot at the end of each petal. The flowers are seen from March to May and have a slight yet distinctive fragrance.
Sweet crabapple (
Malus coronaria): This spring flower is native to north America. The flowers appear around May or June. The flowers are rose-colored, fragrant and are borne in five or six-flowered umbels. The calyx of the flowers is urn-shaped, five-lobed and slender. There are five round petals, which have long narrow claws and show a crenulated margin.
Bloodroot (
Sanguinaria Canadensis): This spring flower is native to eastern North America from Nova Scotia, Canada southward to Florida. The bloodroot flowers are produced from March to May. The flowers appear over clasping leaves while blooming and have 8-12 delicate white petals and yellow reproductive parts. Bees and flies pollinate the bloodroot flowers. The seeds develop in elongated green pods and ripen before the foliage goes dormant.
The different kinds of spring flowers are a source of great joy during spring. Spring flowers truly make the spring season a picturesque time of the year, when the nature spreads her lovely colors in every bloom and peta as we stare in awe and marvel at the beauty of the spring flowers.