Flowers can brighten up pretty much anywhere, indoors and out. However, if you want to make the most of your plants and flowers, a little TLC is required. Here are a few pointers for looking after plants and flowers.
The first thing to remember about plants and flowers is that the specimens that you see today have evolved over thousands of years, living outdoors in the elements and surviving just fine ? they are generally not that fragile. However, many of the species now available at your florist do not originate in the U.K, and so bear this in mind ? the cold can kill.
Aside from climactic considerations, flowers and plants are basic in their needs, water and light being the essentials of life. Few flowers need much fertiliser. Get the water and the light right, and most species will survive just fine in fresh, unspent soil.
Watering is the aspect of care that causes the most problems for novices. The amount of water that a plant or flower requires is down to location, both in terms of where the pot is kept and the size of the container. Wind and heat will accelerate transpiration, meaning that the flowers require more water. Small containers may need watering more often.
Overwatering is generally the most common problem. Unfortunately, the symptoms that your plants will exhibit when overwatered are quite similar to those seen when you underwater.
Yellowing leaves when the soil is still damp is a sure sign of overwatering. To make matters more complicated, central heating indoors often results in the top layer of soil drying out quickly, and yet you still may have overwatered rather than under watered. Check the bottom of the pot; if a lot of water has drained out after watering and the plant has yellow leaves, you may be overwatering.
If the soil is damp, the plant has enough water, and you don't need to add more. Take care not to let the roots dry out entirely, as this will damage them. Try to keep soil moist but not wet.
The best way to achieve the right conditions for your plants or flowers is to do a little research. Some like direct sunlight, others prefer shade. Rather than trial and error, many keen gardeners have found out much of the information that you need before you, so a little reading can go a long way.
Maricruz Tennill is a flower a keen amateur gardener who has lived in Cheshire for ten years. Maricruz Tennill recommends Interflora when looking for florists in Cheshire.