Roses are considered to be one of the most beautiful flowers in the world. It is a perennial flower-producing plant, and there are more than 100 species known. The succeeding transitions shed light on the various rose propagation methods.

Rosebush is an ornamental shrub which belongs to the family Rosaceae. Flowers vary in size and shape and have colors ranging from white, yellow, and red. Most of the species are native to Asia while a very small number is native to North America and Europe. Cultivars, hybrids, and species are extensively grown for their beauty and fragrance. These plants can range in size from compact, miniature to climbers. The climbers are known to reach a height of 7 meters. There are around 20 known species and a large number of varieties in particular hybrid kinds.
Propagating Roses
The propagation of roses can be performed by different ways, such as by layering (for hardwood species), by grafting (for sarmentous rosebush and hybrids), from cuttings, by seeding (for all species-giving grains), and by in vitro method.
From Cuttings
- All you need to know about this method is where to cut the stem. It is advised to cut a 25 - 35 cms long stem followed by removing the tip. Trim the bottom of the stem by cutting it horizontally below a node. A node refers to that spot where leaves or buds emerge from the stem.
- Make sure you choose a healthy plant that doesn't have spots, dryness on the stem, scars, or parasites. Remove all the flowers and leaves, except the 2 leaves on the top of that cutting. This will enable the new cut to produce roots efficiently.
- The top cut has to be made above a node and the bottom cut (where the new roots will spring from) below a leaf node.
- Place your cuttings at a spot where there is enough light but not direct sunlight. The roses should get at least 6 hours of light per day.
- Plant your stems in a sandy soil and insert two-thirds of the cutting in the ground, and maintain a distance of 6 to 8 cms between each cutting.
- It is important to water them afterwards and cover with a cut plastic bottle that will create a greenhouse effect, thus further enhancing the rooting chances.
- The usage of rooting hormones has been shown to increase the number of roots per cutting, and also increase the percentage of cuttings. Remember to transfer the young plants to a permanent location in the landscape by late fall.
By Layering
- This method is extremely easy but is only suitable for rose plants with flexible and long branches.
- This technique doesn't require a greenhouse or any other protected environment because all one needs to do is to take that longer branch, bend it into the ground, and then place something on top of it to maintain its position.
- The branch will grow its own roots before being separated from its parent plant. In this method, mature roots develop within a time span of 10 - 15 months.
By Grafting
- This process is usually performed in fall or winter. Out here, select a rosebush that has sturdy roots, and this will be the parent plant.
- Next, select the rose that you want to graft on to the parent plant. A T-shaped incision is made in the superficial layer of the parent plant's stem, and the other selected plant is attached to it, by means of a tape, for 3 to 4 weeks.
- It can remain wrapped until spring. Grafting is usually preferred because it produces flowers faster than the other methods.
By Seedling
- It is the only method employed to develop new rose varieties as well as to improve the existing ones. However, it requires a long preparation time to obtain results.
- Out here, the seeds are collected from the hips (the red-brownish fruit of the rose), and these are dried before seed extraction. Then, the seeds are kept in the refrigerator for two months, and this practice is known to give the winter season effect.
- Afterwards, the seeds are planted in sterile soil. The plants usually germinate fast, and they show a constant growth for around 8 - 12 weeks. The buds appear in approximately a month and a half while the rose is small.
In Vitro
- This procedure requires special knowledge and a laboratory. It is a rapid multiplication technique efficient in producing healthy, disease-free plants with the specific desired traits.
- It takes only 2 months to come up with the same results that the other methods produce in 10 to 15 months.
Regardless of the method you choose, multiply the joy in your garden by propagating these lovely roses!