Roses are amongst the most popular flowers across the world. They are found in every garden and in almost every lane. The climbing rose bush is one of the easiest variety of roses to plant and maintain. We will get into the details of the same in this following article.

A rose is considered a symbol of love and is rightly called the 'Queen of flowers'. It is one of those unique flowering plants which adds immense beauty to every garden it is planted in. Of the varied types of roses, one of the easiest to plant and maintain is the climbing rose bush. This variety not only adds to the beauty, but is also used for decorating houses, fencing gardens, rails of the porch, and terraces. Some gardens use these bushes for shade as well. Climbing roses do not possess the qualities of a creeper or a climber that wrap their tendrils around the support and climb. They produce twenty feet long canes that stand with the support of the fence or trail. There are many varieties available for us to choose from. Here are some popular types and breeds.
Types Available
Red Climbers
Pink Climbers
Yellow Climbers
White Climbers
Orange Climbers
Purple Climbers
Blush Rambler
Jacobs Robe
Alberic Barbier Rambler
Blaze Of Glory
Night Owl
Red Eden
Candy Land
Lemon Meringue
Climbing Iceberg
Royal Sunset
Veilchenblau Rambler
Dream Weaver
Golden Showers
Lamarque Climbing
Planting and Nurturing
Growing rose bushes is not all that difficult, but it is usually assumed to be. Spring is the perfect season to plant these in your garden. Search for a location that receives at least six hours of sunlight in a day. The soil should have good and sufficient drainage so that the plant can easily exchange air. Insufficient amount of air may give rise to diseases and could even cause fungus. Prepare the soil a few weeks before planting the rose. Remove weeds, rocks and grass and add compost to the soil in the required quantity. Ensure that the pH value of the soil is between 5.8 to 6.8 which is ideal for the plant to survive. You can also add lime to the soil if it is very acidic or peat moss if it is too alkaline.
After planting, water the plant, especially the roots everyday. Prune it regularly by detaching the dried leaves and blossoms and do not add compost to it to avoid insects and fungus.
Care and Maintenance
Proper care is a must to keep it in good shape and health. It requires few things like a good fertilizer, lots of sunlight, and soil which is rich in organic material. It should be well-drained too. The darker shades of roses require more sunlight in comparison to the light-colored ones. Giving a direction to this climber is also a part of its maintenance.
Pruning the Bushes
Pruning the bushes that are already established does not require much effort. They do well even after slight pruning. The canes should be trimmed once they have outgrown the space. Also, trim the side shoots from the main stem or cane to nearly two to three inches. If the climber blooms a lot, then it should preferably be pruned after its flowering period. Repeat the pruning process in the dormant season of the plant.
The beginners in the field of gardening will find growing rose bushes easier because it requires less pruning in comparison to the other varieties, and grows at a faster pace as well.