A few important facts associated with parrot tulips are presented in the article. These attractive flowers are good for cultivation in a backyard garden.

The parrot tulip is a flowering plant which blooms in spring. It is one of the variations of tulip flowers; there are many such types of tulips. The wavy and twisted petals are a characteristic feature of parrot tulips. The curled shape of these flowers makes them stand out in a garden. Parrot tulips can be found in different colors, like white, gold, pink, purple, orange, red, and yellow. Petals of these tulips have margins that are serrated. Unlike other flowers, its petals are thick.
Facts about Parrot Tulips
One of the characteristic features of parrot tulips is that they grow from bulbs. Form and color of the flowers produced by this plant is diverse. For healthy growth of this plant, a well-drained soil is required.
The flowers of parrot tulips possess six petals that are arranged in a circular pattern. The shape of the flowers is cup-like, with a size of about 4 inches. The diameter (across) is taken into account while determining the size. The lobed/serrated margins of parrot flowers gives them a kind of ruffled appearance, which is very similar to the feathers of a parrot.
These plants grow well in bright sunlight. Rainy weather and low temperatures are, however, not suitable for healthy growth. It is therefore, advisable to plant them in areas which remain warm for most time in the day (avoid shady areas). The number of petals produced by this flowers are greater in number compared to any other bloom. It is therefore, recommended to place them in positions where wind doesn't damage their petals. The size of blooms depends on how big the bulbs are; large bulbs should therefore, be chosen. Even mixture of organic matter and sand in soil helps improve the texture. It is considered to be important from the point of proper drainage and spreading of roots. Parrot tulip bulbs need to be planted in clusters. The benefit of planting in clusters is that individual bulbs supports each others' growth. The bulbs need to be planted 6 inches deep in soil. The blooms of these tulips can be removed (for commercial use), once their color fades out. Foliage has to be removed only after it withers. Replanting of bulbs is carried out in a dry location after leaves have died. The practice of fertilizing once in a year is recommended for healthy growth of this type of tulip.
Black Parrot Tulips
Black parrot tulip flowers are characterized by feathered and contorted petals. The stem of these flowers are quite strong which makes them perfect cut flowers. The flowers of this tulip bloom in mid-May. The feathered petals of these flowers are purple black in color.
Growing Black Parrot Tulips
The soil used for growing these plants needs to be well-drained. The plant cannot survive in soil with excessive moisture. The bulbs of this flowering plant are not placed very deep in soil. Soil should, therefore, have good water retaining capacity. A pH level of 6.5 is ideal for growing black parrot. One should think about adding organic matter and coarse sand to the soil to improve the texture/structure.
The facts about parrot tulips presented in this article should make us aware of anatomy of the flowers and details about cultivation practices. They are beautiful and used as cut flowers for commercial purposes.