The ponytail pam, or elephant foot palm, is a delightful houseplant that gives your home a more tropical feel.
Arizona State University
Ponytail Palms are a great, long-lived indoor plant. (Despite it’s name and palm-like appearance, it’s not a true “palm.”)
This plant has long green leathery stems that develop as the plant ages. Indoors, they can reach up to 3 feet high. The only thing that is difficult about this plant is adapting to its watering needs.
- Use a fast draining soil, such as cactus potting soil.
- Normal room temperature is good for most of the year, but keep it cooler in the winter (50 to 55° F).
- Find a location with bright light.
- Keep soil fairly dry. Water from spring through fall allowing soil to dry on the surface before re-watering. During the winter only water occasionally.
- Fertilize in the spring and bring into brighter room for the summer months.
- Re-potting every other year at the most is all the Ponytail Palm needs.
- Overwatering can contribute to stem rot. If you withhold watering, the plant may be able to internally cure the problem.
- Spider mites occur on the leaves, but can be fixed by rubbing a cloth of soap and water on the stems.
Wit & Wisdom
Another name for Ponytail Palm is Elephant Foot Palm.