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Getting Orchids to Bloom Again

When I started working at Gardeners Supply in the 1990s, my Vermont backyard was pretty green—with grass. Today, theres just a tiny bit of the original lawn left. Most of the available space has given way to trees

How to Grow Orchids

A comprehensive guide to orchid care @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) { .image-right { width: 100% !important; text-align: center; } /*.inline-box { width: 90% !important; margin: auto !important

Your room with a view - in your back yard!

A very chic concept these days is the idea of having different garden rooms.These are different areas within your yard, maybe devoted to eating, swimming and napping, or to a butterfly garden, a

Windowsill Orchids...the Easy Way!

Many indoor gardeners are reticent to try growing orchids using the excuse ‘I need a greenhouse to grow those flowers!. Sometimes it is difficult to convince such people that not only can o

Wide Row Raised Bed Gardening-The perfect plan for the lazy gardener

(Editors Note: This article was originally published on January 27, 2008.) This method is very similar to using Square Foot Gardening, except the area is larger and the planting not so particul

When It Is Time To Move

What Do You Love? You cannot, unless you are very fortunate, move everything with you so you need to pick what you love. Does that flower remind you of spring? Did that iris come from your grand

When Cabin Fever Strikes Organize your Garden Seeds and Shed

(Editors Note: This article was originally published on December 28, 2008.) Cabin Fever Defined What is cabin fever? Cabin fever is not a disease as the name suggests. The term, cabin fever, is a

What You Should Know About Big Box Stores as Plant Sources for Your Garden

had been to all the nurseries and garden centers within a 40-mile radius, searching for a particular petunia without success. And here it was at Lowes!Big box stores sometimes offer up such unexp


(Editors Note: This article was originally published on February 25, 2008. Your comments are welcome, but please be aware that authors of previously published articles may not be able to promptly

Weather for Gardeners - Warm and Cold, Humid and Dry

When Its Hot, Its . . . If youve ever wondered why, after a clear, sunny and mild day, you have to prepare your plants for the possibility of a frost or freeze, then this article is for you. For

Watering Palms

(Editors Note: This article was originally published on August 31, 2008. Your comments are welcome, but please be aware that authors of previously published articles may not be able to respond to

Variegated Succulents- the Agaves and their relatives

As I began to think about all my favorite succulents in my collection, I began to realize that a large proportion of them are the variegated ones. Just about any plant can potentially have varieg

Using safe gardening practices

Do use common sense and wear good quality gardening gloves when you are pruning, cleaning up and doing general gardening work. I invested in my own protection by purchasing several pair, in ju

Use cattle panels to build an arched trellis & hoop house

I like to use the straw bale gardening method with a strong trellis for my tomatoes. I like Kentucky Wonder green beans which require a taller trellis than I care to climb. I saw a make-shift arc

Understanding Grafted Ornamental Trees

Ornamental fruit trees are not the only species for which a weeping habit has been cultivated, but these flowering trees are among the most popular for home landscapes. The weeping cherry at right is quite magnificent, b

Trading Plants: How to Pack Plants for Shipping by Mail

Daves Garden started as a site for trading seeds and plants, and the Plant Trading Forum (subscribers only) is very active at this time of year. With all the work that goes into growing, digging

Top 10 Reasons Why You Cant Grow a Rose...Fuhgeddaboudit!!

(Editors Note: This article was originally published on February 26, 2008. Your comments are welcome, but please be aware that authors of previously published articles may not be able to respond

To inoculate, or not to inoculate?

(Editors Note: This article was originally published on May 27, 2009.) An inoculant is generally a powdered form of bacteria or fungus that is added to the soil by means of coating the pea or be

Tips For Overwintering Potted Mums

My first experience with overwintering a chrysanthemum was a happy accident. After my garden center mums were done blooming at the end of the fall, I removed them from their pots and tossed them

Three Gardeners, One Garden

(Editors Note: This article was originally published on February 21, 2008.) It all began in December of 1992. I moved way out here from my hometown of Oshawa, Ontario. Needed a change of pace, f

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