What are herbaceous plants? What are the distinguishing characteristics of herbs that set them apart from trees and shrubs? Let's find out...

Usually referred to as herbs in common parlance, herbaceous plants are plants that are typically characterized as having soft, flexible, tender stems and leaves which may or may not bear flowers. Herbs can be seasonal (annual, biennial) as well as perennial. The leaves and stems of herbs have a tendency to die out by the time the flourishing period or
season comes to a conclusion. Herbs lack hard, woody stems and once they have flowered and produced seeds, they die completely. New herbs grow from these deeds in the next season and thus the cycle continues. The new plants that grow when the older ones die out extract nutrition from the remaining living tissues of the previous plant that may be present above or below the ground in any of the following forms - roots, caudex, bulbs, rhizomes, corms, tubers or stolons.
In contrast with other woody botanical categories such as trees, shrubs and vines, herbs can have stems below the ground as well. Common examples of herbs include carrots, garlic, alfalfa, mint, cannabis, sage, thyme, parsley, colic weed, Sweet William, eggplant, basil, asparagus, chicory, potato, okra, rhubarb, leek, spinach, hog nut, broccoli, parsnip, common ragwort, sweet potato, etc.
Herbaceous Plants List
The following are alphabetically sorted lists of some examples of herbs as they are scientifically known, complete with the common names that are assigned to them by gardeners and herb enthusiasts all over the world.
Herbs' Scientific Names
Herbs' Common Names
Abelmoschus manihot
Hibiscus manihot, Sunset hibiscus, Sunset muskmallow, Aibika
Abelmoschus moschatus
Musk mallow
Sand verbena
Abronia umbellata
Beach sand verbena
Acaena montana
Alpine Burr
Acaena novae-zelandiae
Bidgee-widgee, biddy biddy
Acanthus montanus
Mountain thistle
Yarrow, Milfoil
Hot water plant
Acinos alpinus
Alpine calamint
Aciphylla colensoi
Colenso's spaniard
Aciphylla horrida
Horrid spaniard
Aconitum lycoctonum
Acorus gramineus
Japanese rush, Dwarf's sedge
Actaea rubra
Snakeberry, Red cohosh
Actinotus helianthi
Flannel flower
Adenophora liliifolia
Lilyleaf ladybells
Adonis annua
Pheasant's eye
Agapanthus africanus
African lily, Lily of the Nile
Agapanthus inapertus
Drooping agapanthus, Drakensberg agapanthus
Agastache aurantiaca
Orange hummingbird mint
Agastache cana
Mosquito plant, Hummingbird plant
Agastache foeniculum
Giant hyssop
Agastache mexicana
Mexican hyssop
Agastache rugosa
Korean mint, Wrinkled giant hyssop
Aglaonema crispum
Painted drop tongue
Agrimonia eupatoria
Hemp agrimony
Ajuga genevensis
Blue bugle
Alcea ficifolia
Antwerp hollyhock
Alchemilla mollis
Lady's mantle
Alkanna tinctoria
Dyer's bugloss
Althaea officinalis
Common marsh mallow
Anthemis tinctoria
Yellow chamomile, Golden Marguerite
Aphelandra squarrosa
Zebra plant
Artemisia absinthium
Absinthe wormwood, Common wormwood
Artemisia vulgaris
Asclepias physocarpus
Swan plant, Balloon cotton bush, Tinder plant
Asparagus racemosus
Herbs' Scientific Names
Herbs' Common Names
Brassica oleracea
Brussels Sprout
Browallia speciosa
Amethyst flower, Bush violet
Bryonia alba
Devil's turnip, English mandrake, Kudzu of the Northwest
Calendula officinalis
English/Pot marigold
Cannabis, Hemp, Marijuana
Centella asiatica
Asiatic penny wort
Chrysanthemum pacificum
Pacific chrysanthemum
Costus lucanusianus
Maboso (Kikongo)
Cucumis melo
Muskmelon, Cantaloupe
Echinacea tennesseensis
Tennessee purple coneflower
Euphorbia serrata
Sawtooth spurge
Filipendula rubra
Queen of the prairie
Filipendula ulmaria
Foeniculum vulgare
Herbs' Scientific Names
Herbs' Common Names
Gerbera hybrida
Gerber daisy
Horned/ Sea poppy
Glycine max
Soya bean, Soybean
Glycyrrhiza glabra
Gomphrena haageana
Globe amaranth
Grindelia camporum
Great Valley gumweed
Gunnera manicata
Giant Rhubarb
Gynura aurantiaca
Royal velvet plant
Gypsophila paniculata
Baby's breath
Hesperantha coccinea
Crimson flag
Hydrangea quercifolia
Oakleaf hydrangea
Hylotelephium spectabile
Ice plant
Hylotelephium telephium
Orpine, Live forever plant
Impatiens sodenii
Oliver's impatiens
Blood leaf
Jamesbrittenia grandiflora
Purple morning glory
Herbs' Scientific Names
Herbs' Common Names
Bleeding heart plant
Lotus corniculatus
Birdfoot Deervetch, eggs and bacon, butter and eggs
Lupinus albus
White lupin
Lupinus diffusus
Spreading lupine
Lupinus nanus
Dwarf lupine, Field lupine
Lupinus perennis
Old Maid's bonnet, Indian beet
Maianthemum stellatum
Star flowered lily of the valley
Meconopsis betonicifolia
Himalayan blue poppy
Mirabilis jalapa
Four O'Clock
Monarda didyma
Horse mint, Oswego tea
Nertera granadensis
Coral bead plant
Nierembergia rivularis
White cup
Nigella damascena
Herbs' Scientific Names
Herbs' Common Names
Origanum majorana
Oxalis acetosella
Common wood sorrel
Oxalis oregana
Red wood sorrel
Oxalis tetraphylla
Fouer-leaved pink sorrel
Papaver alpinum
Alpine poppy
Papaver rhoeas
Red poppy, Field poppy
Platycodon grandiflorus
Chinese bell flower, Common balloon flower
Raphanus sativus
Rheum rhabarbarum
Tree poppy
Herbs' Scientific Names
Herbs' Common Names
Salpiglossis sinuata
Painted tongue
Salvia blepharophylla
Eyelash-leaved sage
Salvia dorisiana
Peach sage
Salvia lavandulifolia
Spanish sage
Sambucus ebulus
Danewort, Dwarf elder
Sanguisorba minor
Salad burnet
Sanguisorba officinalis
Burnet bloodwort
Sanvitalia procumbens
Creeping zinnia
Saponaria officinalis
Sarracenia alata
Sarracenia leucophylla
White trumpet
Saururus cernuus
Lizard's tail
Saxifraga cochlearis
Snail saxifrage
Scabiosa atropurpurea
Mournful widow, Egyptian rose, Sweet scabious
Schoenoplectus lacustris
Scrophularia auriculat
Water betony/figwort
Sesamum indicum
Sidalcea malviflora
Silene dioica
Red campion
Silphium terebinthinaceum
Prairie dock
Solanum ellipticum
Wild gooseberry
Sphaeralcea coccinea
Prairie mallow
Stellaria holostea
Greater stitchwort, Easter bell
Stokesia laevis
Stokes aster
Succisa pratensis
Devil's bit scabious
Syncarpha vestita
Cape everlasting
Tacca integrifolia
Bat plant
Tagetes patula
French marigold
Tanacetum balsamita
Tanacetum coccineum
Tanacetum niveum
Silver tansy
Taraxacum officinale
Tellima grandiflora
Tetragonia tetragonioides
Warrigal greens
Those were some common as well as exotic herbaceous plants. Many people like to maintain herb gardens of their own owing to the therapeutic efficacy of herbal medicine and herbal remedies. Also, with the growing popularity of exotic and fusion cooking, many people prefer using herbs and spices fresh from the garden. For this purpose, a basic knowledge of herbs and spices proves helpful.