Rheumatoid arthritis affects the lining of the joints and causes damage to the cartilage and tissues of the joint. In this condition, the scar tissues replace the damaged tissue (or fibro cartilage). It is a chronic inflammatory condition which affects the small joints of the hands and feet. The following article provides information about the various herbs which may be used to treat this condition.

The herbs that are used for rheumatoid arthritis help to reduce the joint inflammation. Reduction in pain and stiffness in the joints and problems with the regular movement of the joints are other areas that may also be treated with these herbs. At the same time, these herbs also aid in prevention of any further damage to the joints.
Turmeric: Turmeric, with its medicinal values, may be used in the treatment of rheumatoid this condition. Curcumin, a compound derived from turmeric is especially useful for this purpose. Turmeric is also considered as an antiseptic, hence it helps in the reduction of infection in the joints.
Celery: Celery is an anti-spasmodic, but at the same time it works wonders for patients in both kinds of arthritis, namely rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. Celery, a native American herb, is now available all over the world.
Arnica: Arnica is used in homeopathic treatment. It is used to sooth the soreness and inflammation of the joint. Arnica is applied topically to the afflicted area.
Green Tea: Green tea has a number of health benefits, and it acts like a mild painkiller. Hence, green tea can be a greener and healthier alternative to the allopathic painkiller drugs, that may have a number of side effects.
Guggul: Guggul (
Commiphora mukul), with its anti-inflammatory and analgesic property, is used by a lot of Ayurvedic practitioners all over the world, for the treatment of arthritis. The effect of guggul can be immediately seen on the patient.
Wild Yam: Wild yam is a tuber, which is found in humid and warmer climates. They flower annually and the root of these tubers have great medicinal values. They contain steroidal saponins, which have anti-inflammatory properties. These properties help in the treatment of the reduced gap between joints, caused by rheumatoid arthritis. Its anti-inflammatory properties help in maintaining the gap and reducing the pain.
Linseed: Linseed (viz. flaxseed) has been used since the Egyptian civilization. It is not administered orally, but the oil extracted from it is used as an ointment.
Oregano: Oregano can be called the herbal morphine. Therefore, it is used in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis.
Dry Ginger: Another traditional Indian herb used for the treatment of rheumatoid is dry ginger. It is an analgesic which reduces the symptoms of this condition.
Indian Ginseng: Indian ginseng, like most of the other herbs mentioned above, has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. It is also known as a stress buster.
Tinospora Cordifolia:
Tinospora cordifolia, in Ayurveda means 'an elixir for long life'. It is said to increase the immunity of the body against rheumatoid arthritis as well as various other diseases.
Vitex Negundo: A tincture prepared by combining Vitex negundo with alcohol can be applied over the affected area. This relieves the symptoms of this condition. The leaves are also boiled in water and the warm leaves are applied on the joints.
Alfalfa: Alfalfa, a kind of grass, is also used in the treatment of this condition. It is consumed like a herbal tea and a lot of people all round the world have benefited from the use of this herb.
Mustard: Mustard, a common herb in the Mediterranean and Asian region, is used as plaster in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. The mustard seeds are grounded coarsely, and water is mixed with the grounded powder and applied to the joints.
Our kitchen itself is a storehouse of a number of medicines. Maximum utilization of these herbs may save us not only from rheumatoid arthritis, but also from many other diseases as well.
Disclaimer: This Buzzle article is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.