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Uses of Herbs

I am sure you must have touched upon the subject of herbs and the uses of herbs at least once in your lifetime. You must have studied what herbs are; however, you might have a vague recollection of the same. Let me rejuv

List of Herbs

Herbs and spices are important in cooking as well as in making many medicines. There are many different types of herbs which have many different uses. If you love to cook, then you know how essenti

Herbs for Kids

Many people prefer the use of herbs to drugs due to the lower risk of side effects. This is the reason why herbal remedies are used for kids as well. The following article provides information about some of these herbal

Common Herbs Used in Smudging

Smudging is an ancient Native American practice of burning herbs to purify any place or person. It is known to dispel negative energy and invoke positivity. Let us take a look at the most commonly used herbs in smudging.

Borage Oil Benefits

Borage oil benefits in the keeping and maintenance of ones health and skin care, and also acts as an anti-inflammatory essential oil. Let us know more about the benefits of this wonderful oil. Bora

Anti-anxiety Herbs

Anxiety is caused in individuals affected by stress or depression. This article provides information about some herbs that help in dealing with panic and nervousness naturally. Anxiety is a state o

List of Adaptogenic Herbs and Their Uses

Adaptogenic herbs help us relieve ourselves from daily stress that we encounter at home and at our workplaces. Find out about the most common adaptogenic herbs in this post. Adaptogenic herbs are t

Benefits of Shankhapushpi

Before reading further, readers of all the articles related to herbs should remember that these articles are written to discuss the benefits of the herbs from India, which are tried and trusted for over thousands of year

Healing Properties of Common Medicinal Herbs

The natural healing of wounds, illnesses, sicknesses, and diseases is desired by all. Many medicinal herbs possess the ability to cure health scares naturally. Many different types of such medicinal herbs and their healt

Datura Plant

If you want to know about the medicinal properties of Datura plant, read this article. With the emergence of Ayurveda and the related herbs and plants, there are many plants, which are researched a

Herbs for Bronchitis

Herbs are known to effectively treat and prevent bronchitis for many years now. The following article provides information about the various herbs that may be used to get relief from the same. Bron

Herbs for Cancer

There are many herbs which are beneficial for the treatment of various types of cancers. This article discusses a few of them. Herbs are one of the best gifts of nature. They are used as a powerful

Herbs for Arthritis

Arthritis is a disorder of the joints (of the body) undergoing swelling and considerable amount of pain. If you are scared of popping a pill or getting an injection, here is an alternative to that. The following article

Pelargonium sidoides Side Effects

Pelargonium sidoides is a medicinal plant native to South Africa. It is well-known for its efficacy in treating cold, flu, and bronchitis. This article provides information about the various side effects of this plant.

Cleavers Herb

Cleavers are herbs that have many health benefits. Read on to know more... Cleavers, also known as clivers, bedstraw, or goose grass, are a type of herbs that belong to the family, Rubiaceae. The b

List of Cooking Herbs and Spices

In several parts of the world, cooking without herbs and spices seems unimaginable! After all, they add flavor to meats and vegetables, and even accentuate the flavor of pasta dishes, breads, pizzas, etc. Lets take at a

Pipal Tree

Bodhi tree, Bo tree, Sacred Fig tree, or Pipal tree (also spelled peepal or peepul) is regarded as equally sacred by one and all. If you wish to know more about this tree, then youre on the right page.

Kidney Cleansing Herbs

Using herbs for kidney cleanse is one of the better ways of detoxification, but a relatively less known practice. This Buzzle write-up enlists a few most effective herbs available for kidney detox.

Loquat Leaf Benefits

Loquat leaf is loaded with incredible health benefits, including anti-inflammatory, detoxifying, and anti-viral properties. Read on to know more about the same. The loquat tree grows in tropical an

Pandan Leaves

A widely-cultivated herbaceous tropical plant, the pandan leaves are used in Southeast Asian cooking as a flavoring. Here is a Buzzle post that gives you in-depth information about the aromatic leaves.

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