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Hyssop Plant

Hyssop is a plant of the mint family, and is widely found in the Central Asia and Mediterranean regions. The plant, especially its leaves and flowers are used for flavoring a number of dishes, and to prepare a traditiona

Lobelia Herb

The lobelia herb is a herb that consists of an alkaline relaxant called lobeline, that helps relax the respiratory passages and helps ease tension. This herb can be consumed in the form of capsules, tinctures, or even ap

Dong Quai Benefits

Considered to be an ultimate herb for women, dong quai herb offers a number of health benefits which are described in the article below. Dong quai, also known as angelica is a herb native to China

Rhodiola Side Effects

The roots of the Rhodiola plant are believed to possess therapeutic properties. The plant acts as an adaptogen, as it helps the body adapt to and resist physical, chemical, and environmental stress. The following write-u

Rhodiola Benefits

Rhodiola herb is used for several medicinal purposes. This article will give you more information on the health benefits associated with it. Rhodiola belongs to the family Crassulaceae, and is foun

Medicinal and Culinary Uses of Hyssop

Hyssop is a herb that has been well-known for its medicinal and culinary uses. Know more about its benefits in this article. Hyssop is a perennial herb that belongs to the family of mint plants, ca

Galangal Herb

Galangal is also known as gao liang, East Indian root, and Chinese ginger. It has many medicinal properties which help in treating various disorders. Read on... Galangal herb plant belongs to the s

Yellow Dock Root

The yellow dock root is used for the treatment of a lot of ailments. Let us take a look at some of the benefits of this root. The yellow dock plant (Rumex crispus) is a herb that grows perennially

Eyebright Herb

As the name rightly suggests, eyebright is a herb that has been used as a herbal remedy for eye problems, through the centuries. This article provides some information about the herb and its uses.

Calming Herbs

Skullcap, lemon balm, milky oat, passion flower, and kavakava are some of the very effective calming herbs. The following article elaborates more on these and many other herbs that are effective against anxiety.

Horehound Herb

A species of the mint family, the horehound herb is endemic to Europe, but can now be found throughout North and South America. Like most herbs, this one is also a storehouse of benefits. Also know

Marshmallow Root

The root of the marshmallow plant is a traditional herbal medicine for respiratory conditions like cough, sore throat, dry cough, and whooping cough. It is basically used as an expectorant that can soothe the mucous memb

Benefits and Side Effects of Senna Leaves

Senna leaf is one of the herbs that has been used for many years as a natural cure for constipation. Apart from this, senna can be used as a medicine to treat a number of other health disorders. This Buzzle article walks

Shelf Life of Spices

So, you have some spices in your kitchen, which you think have gone bad? Read on, to learn about shelf life of spices, and other tips on storing and using spices. Spices and herbs bring a beautiful

Herbaceous Plants

What are herbaceous plants? What are the distinguishing characteristics of herbs that set them apart from trees and shrubs? Lets find out... Usually referred to as herbs in common parlance, herbace

Perennial Herbs

If you are looking to grow herbs in your garden, you have to decide between growing perennial and annual varieties. It is a good idea to plant the perennial ones since you need to plant them only once, and enjoy them eac

Osha Root

The osha plant is known for its amazing medicinal properties. It is widely used by the native Americans to treat a number of health problems. Its uses, benefits, as well as the side effects are discussed in this article.

Meadow Sage

Meadow sage is a medicinal herb that lends several benefits which range over the medicinal as well as culinary. Continue reading to learn what these benefits are, and how to care for this plant. Th

Eyebright Benefits

Eyebright herb is one of the most natural treatment options for several eye ailments. Buzzle presents to you, a list of the many eyebright benefits for eyes as well as other parts of the body, that you can avail of by si

Coltsfoot Side Effects

Coltsfoot is a perennial herb that is known for its healing properties. However, it is also reported to trigger unpleasant side effects in some people. The following article provides information on its side effects.

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