Using solar rock lights to illuminate your lawn is as easy as propping up the synthetic rocks at the proper angles and in the appropriate locations. The rocks themselves serve as the support for the lights. Those may be pointing to the sides or directly up. These gadgets are very stable. They will not topple over and won't need to be embedded into the ground. There will be nothing for you to do but to drop them in place.
The materials used are cheap but hardy
The material used to make synthetic rocks is polyethylene and polyresin. Both of these materials are tough by nature. But when they are used for making synthetic rocks, they are injected with toughening substances to make sure they are resistant to cracks, scratches, and the weather. The bulb is inserted into the rock while the solar panel is attached on top of the rock. In any case, neither the bulbs nor the solar panels are in a favorable position for loosening or damage.
You can carry them easily in a bag
If you need to transport them in bulk, you will only need to pile them up in a large bag. And then, as you go from location to location in the lawn, just drop them in place. You can return to them to make the angle adjustments at a later time. If you need to tilt some of them, you can use stones or loose soil to raise the side which needs to be elevated.
Because of the ease of installing them, you can rearrange them as often as you like. Keeping them hidden is not a big problem either. In rocky terrain, they will often blend naturally with the background. You will seldom need to hide solar rock lights since rocks are intrinsic to gardens.
You have many options regarding design and color
Solar rock lights are made to resemble different types of rocks. If you want something that seems to be covered by moss, select a green one. There are also red and brown rocks that are inconspicuous against a red or brown background. A couple of them in a cluster could be an invisible source of ambient light for your rock garden.
If you want to use them as displays, there are models on which animals are perched. The animals may be painted on polyresin rocks. That material is receptive to most paints. There are also solar rock lights that are embossed with floral patterns. Larger rocks may be used as solar flower vases. The inside of the vase is water-proofed and the light peeks out from the bottom.
Weather resistant
Their materials have been treated for protection against harsh conditions of weather. Once in their places, you shouldn't be concerned that extremes of heat and cold will warp or break the material. They are made to withstand both heat and cold equally well.
They can be used in your home as well
If you want to have indoor lights that can endure the handling of children, use solar rock lights. You can get low-powered LED lights for that purpose. The light won't disturb anyone's sleep since it is uni-directional and will light up only the portion of the room directly in front of the bulb.