"The difference between pretty and beautiful is this - pretty is temporary, where beauty is eternal." Make no mistake; the wind spinner is not an accident of geometry and optics, no mere trinket to be thrown away carelessly. These pieces of artwork are crafted with precision, with care, with love. They are beautiful in and of themselves, creating cherished memories and encapsulating all that can go right when technology melds with passionate creativity.
While most of the gift items out today resemble something from our childhood, the wind spinner brings something different to the table. Its ingenuity and simplistic design carry a weight that other products couldn't afford; the ability to inspire. I've lost hours gazing at them as they spin, entranced and lost in thought. They're simply grand for getting lost in thought with something so blissfully creative and that makes them beautiful. They go well with any set of home decor, they blend in or contrast and stand out, and they work for what you want. Spinners are easily one of, if not the, most lovely characteristics of a home, and can come to define its space and the area around it.
Much of the obsession with wind spinners comes from the customization available to everyday customers. Imagine being able to purchase not just a 3-D spinner, but one that has a picture of your first family dog, your son, the place where you asked your wife to marry you, literally anything can be made into a wind spinner design. This degree of freedom, of choice made real for the consumer is yet another facet in the flawless creation of a spinner. It's a blending of form and rhythm, functional elegance found in relatively few products today. The powder coating emblazoned into each spinner details a dazzling splay of color, bouncing, dancing and playing tricks on the eyes.
The main reason that wind spinners look so much better today than yesteryear is the sheer interest in them shown by consumers today. With such a high demand, the supply must increase in both quantity and quality to compensate, meaning many developers and manufacturers have stepped up their game in the last decade to provide an incredibly high-quality, inexpensive product to a market that at times has ailed worse than many others. This is a sure sign that wind spinners are here to stay, and will only grow by leaps and bounds as the world continues to want and demand more of these intricately beautiful pieces of art.
So, with all that said, I bring you to the point of this article; poignancy in true form. The wind spinner shakes the cobwebs loose from an industry saturated with pretentiousness and hyperbole of what claims their products can honor. The wind spinner sets out to do one thing and one thing alone, and that is dazzle the daylights out of you; one thing I think we can all agree sets it apart when it can perform this function so well. The incredible form combined with sophisticated engineering and the heart of an artist; all of these things are cogs in the gears that make the wind spinner what it is today.