A small backyard shouldn't deter you from creating the kind of landscape you've always dreamed of. Just use these landscaping ideas to realize those dreams.

A small backyard does not imply that it cannot be appropriately designed to create the kind of landscape you wish to. With some help and reference, and a little creativity of your own, you can do wonders with your backyard. The options are innumerable, and the effect, each better than the other. Take a look at these landscaping ideas for your small backyard, which will help you create a picturesque landscape design.
Ideas for Small Backyard Landscaping
It is interesting to note that every new idea is a culmination of several other ideas. This is a rule that works well for any creative field, and that includes these backyard landscaping ideas. So before you go ahead and implement any ideas, there are some tips that you should follow in order to be able to lay the right foundation toward designing your landscape.
- Designing any area, open or closed, begins with planning. Planning gives you a chance to explore different options before finally choosing one that suits you. Step into your backyard and visualize it the way you would like it. Refer to a few magazines and websites for inspiration.
- Ensure that the ideas you have visualized can be maintained well. This depends on the time you have at hand and the kind of weather that prevails in your area.
- It is tempting to include a little bit of everything in your backyard landscape, but if you don't have the space for it, try to avoid cluttering it. It really does not make sense to have a backyard where you have tread extremely carefully to avoid tripping over all those things you have put out there.
These are just basic tips to get you started. Once you unleash your creativity, space will not seem like a constraint. Here are some ideas that will inspire your creative side and help you create a beautiful backyard even with restricted space.
Pathways - Big Highlights in a Small Backyard

Having a small pathway in your backyard gives it a definite identity. If your backyard is too narrow you may not want to have a pathway, but otherwise, a curved pathway leading to say a seating area is a great way to define specific areas in the backyard. The kind of material you wish to create it with may differ. For instance, you could have pavers placed diagonally to give a spacious feel, or you could use slate for its rustic charm. Else, as shown in the image, a concrete pathway divided by patches of grass also helps create a beautiful looking pathway. If you have the space, you can light up the pathway and have a flowerbed growing on either side. Or you could simply place rocks and pebbles on its edge to define it. Finally, you may use small pots and plants to line the edges of the pathway.
Paved Backyards - Low Maintenance for Busy Bees

For a low maintenance backyard, pave it up and have only container plants out there. With reference to the image, this small backyard follows a wonderful rustic theme and incorporates all necessary elements beautifully. A water feature, the right number of plants, and the small seating arrangement give this backyard a cozy appeal. To add to the elements, have lanterns hanging from the walls. This will complete the rustic look and give you a space to cozy up in comfortably. If you aren't much of a water feature person, replace it with a bonfire and enjoy the warmth on a chilly evening.
Retaining Walls - When There Just Isn't Enough Space

As mentioned earlier, cluttering up your backyard with numerous pots and plants and seating arrangements, and every other element you simply must add to it, is not going to serve any purpose. To make space, build retaining walls at different levels and have your plants growing on those. The levels not only provide visual appeal, they give you the option for more greenery in a smaller area. Provide breaks in the lengths of these walls by placing terracotta miniatures of animals and other statues such as those of the Buddha. A flower bed, a tall plant, and again, a water feature can also provide breaks to the lengths of these walls. Finally, retaining walls can also function as seating areas. Place rope lights or icicle lights along their lengths to add to the beauty of your backyard!
Water Features - To Calm Your Senses

Water features add a lot of substance to a landscape; whether then, it is a fountain or a bird bath is your choice. Most people feel a sense of calm at the soothing sound of running water. If you aren't one of them, then a bird bath is a great choice for you. Watching different types of birds come and enjoy this little treat can also prove very soothing. Moreover, the way your bird bath is designed adds to the overall visual appeal of your backyard. Though it is not essential, a water feature adds the perfect finishing touch to your backyard.
Container Gardens - For the Smallest Backyards

For some of you, any of the aforementioned ideas may not work simply because there isn't enough room to accommodate them. In such a case, a container garden is your best bet. It is definitely easier to maintain, apart from which, the variety in levels with hanging containers, along with an interesting mix of plants, creates the ultimate visual appeal for a small backyard. Break free from mundane terracotta pots, and try some new materials such as stainless steel or ceramic pots to enhance the aesthetics of the backyard. You can also experiment with different container shapes, such as long rectangular containers, or round containers. Pick out a corner and make an arrangement of containers of different sizes and plants of different colors. Make this the focal point of your backyard. You will not need much more once you create this focal point. Place benches on your patio and enjoy your early morning cup of coffee in your beautiful backyard.
Some More Ideas
There are certain other tips and elements that will make your little getaway complete. Try to incorporate them only if space permits. These are not mandatory, but definitely add to the aesthetic value of your backyard.
- Try to include a small seating arrangement that can be your perfect getaway at any time you need it. If the space permits, you can even string up a hammock in your backyard. It is not necessary to have the usual tables and chairs for seating. A swing, or a seating created with retaining walls, or a small rock garden is a unique way to fulfill your seating requirements. You may also create an area that is stepped up from the rest of the backyard and incorporate your seating arrangement there, by throwing some colorful cushions on the floor. Tempting, isn't it?
- Remember to incorporate appropriate lighting in your backyard landscape design. While mornings are taken care of, for a relaxing evening, having the right kind of light is necessary. Do not opt for very bright lights; instead place dim lamps along the walls surrounding your backyard for the right effect.
- The final touch to these landscaping ideas is to include a variety of knick-knacks around the backyard. Small figurines, wind chimes, and other decorative pieces add to the overall aesthetic appeal of the backyard.
Don't let the size of your backyard stop you from using your ideas and creativity to create a gorgeous landscape. Use all that is available to you in that space to your advantage, and you definitely will marvel at the result.