Tree root barriers are artificially installed in order to preserve the tree roots, as well as the beauty of the landscape.

Tree root barriers are way different from the normal moisture and vapor barriers that we find. They are actually installed near the tree roots so that there will be minimal damage to them. In the first place, it is common sense to plant the right kind of trees in the right place so that there will not be any trouble regarding the roots and the surface that you want to preserve.
Vital Information
Trees require plenty of water and moisture for healthy growth. If the substantial amount of water is not provided, the root system naturally gets extended towards the watery part of the land surface. Growing them on such a large-scale (especially the Australian varieties) when combined with the reactive sort of soil (clay, for instance) can create problems. These extended roots start to show up and become a nuisance to several important objects of your landscape designs, such as the walkways, side walks, patios, and parking structures. Their effects on soil and on the growth of the plant itself are visible. If proper precautionary measures are not taken in time, they can actually damage the foundation of buildings and roads. The act of cutting them off midway can lead to severe damage to the health of the trees. The best option to save trouble is to install root barriers.
Root Barriers
As stated earlier, the extended roots start to damage the footings, so, one needs to do the underpinning of the same to avert further damage. This prevention can get costly if the roots have extended too much into the building or roads. Then, all the system needs to be demolished as soon as possible. For further precaution, one needs to take some initial steps to prevent such costly actions, so, one can install cut-off walls. But the best option to prevent the damage can be the installation of the barriers.
To prevent root damage and encourage soil moisture stabilization, installing root barriers is a good option. They are cost-effective (they are very low on budget). Following are the significant features of these barriers.
Type of the Tree
Different kinds are required for different types of trees, as they all reciprocate differently with the various types of soil. For instance, the Pecan absorbs a large amount of water, making it dry to the depth. Even after their total removal, they create a significant damage to the soil as well as the ground. Hence, such plants whose upper roots absorb more water than the deeper roots, are seen reducing a significant amount of the soil format that can cause trouble to build any new constructions in that site. In such cases, the barriers need to get installed accordingly.
Material Required
They are very light weight and are also available in different materials, like metal and plastic shields. Materials that are used to make the barriers are extremely impermeable and effectively durable. The metal or plastic shields can withstand the extreme soil conditions, and that too, for a longer period of time. Root barriers need to get installed at the depth of around 30 inches to prevent roots from growing above the ground level and making them grow in the exact downward direction. The important thing to do is to install the ones made of impermeable materials, as they can also provide moisture to the roots.
Moisture Level of the Soil
The moisture level and the texture of the soil must be retained when installing. The soil with dry format, uneven levels, and low water tables need to be maintained. The moisture provided by the watering system operators should stop the excessive shrinking of the water level, even in the driest of the periods.
Finally, it is very important to install the tree root barriers, caps, and watering system operators by an experienced gardening expert. There are three major types, namely, linear, planter, and circular, each with its own special feature. The whole process of installing should take place at the time of laying the foundation of a particular place, and not afterward. When installed properly, they give the maximum advantage later on. Happy Gardening!