Several kinds of evergreen trees can be bought as live Christmas trees and then planted after the holidays. It is important to remember that live trees take much more care than cut trees. Live trees should be kep
Magnolias are fast growing trees and grow well in Georgia in full sun. They are also more tolerant of heavy shade than are most evergreen trees. If you expect maximum growth, prepare the soil well before planting
Magnolia – Transplanting from the Woods
One plants magnolias grown from seed only after deciding if it is really worth the effort. It is possible that the seedling came from an “ugly” magnolia. You won’t realize this, of course, until a decade has pass
"My oak tree is oozing beer!" Homeowners often follow their noses to the base of an oak tree to find a puddle of yeasty smelling liquid. The ooze is usually surrounded by insects, some of whom seem in
Sometimes I get to be in the audience when smart people really show their stuff. Recently Frank Hancock, the University of Georgia Extension agent in Henry County had a citizen visit his office with a perplexing
I was visiting with a group of Master Gardeners recently when I asked them: “Has anyone here ever heard of the bodark tree?” Wrinkled brows and perplexed looks spread across the room. Master Gardeners pride thems
Garden friend D.G. has had much more experience with osage orange than most. His comments on the tree are below: "I grew up on a small general farm in west-central Illinois, where my father had about a quar
Pine trees are always subject to insect attack and should be examined periodically to determine if insect problems are developing. Several species of small brown or black beetles are common pests of pine trees. T
When pine needles turn reddish-brown in early summer, several things could be the cause. It could be beetles in the trunk, compaction damage to the roots or, occasionally, a needle disease. In the year after a we
When storms break tree limbs it can be heartbreaking to survey the damage. Trees, however, are remarkably able to recover from damage if given a little help. This article from Michigan State University gives some
I personally wish more gardeners would plant sassafras in their landscapes. I don't think I have ever seen it offered at a nursery. If several were planted together, the fall color would be spectacular. The
from Dr Jean Williams-Woodward April 9, 2004 By now most of you may have already heard that Phytophthora ramorum, cause of Sudden Oak Death (SOD), has been positively identified on plants within five Georgia nurs
Norm Mittleider, owner of The Art of Pruning (770-407-1511) read my comments about using stone mulch in a landscape. He comments: "You could not have said it any better when addressing the question of using
Sudden Oak Death (SOD) fungus could be a serious threat to oak trees in the Southeast. It has caused great damage to oaks in California. Several commonly grown woody plants (camellia, rhododendron, viburnum, etc)
The Science Behind Fall Leaf Color
Pigments of Fall Color David C. Zlesak, Regional Extension Educator, Horticulture University of Minnesota Brilliantly colored leaves and fruit transform the fall landscape into enchanting scenes and is a hallmark
D.S. recently sent me a question I have heard over and over again after heavy, eroding rains. “I have a maple tree whose roots are showing through the soil around it.” he wrote. “How much new topsoil should I put
Tree – Straightening When Blown Over
Summer or winter storms often blow over otherwise healthy trees. Here is a review of the basics of righting trees that lean or have fallen. The first task is to shovel out a space under the root ball so it can fa
Tree Damage – Insurance Claims
You may be able to claim a storm loss or insurance benefit as a result of storm damage. Here are ways to assess the value of damaged trees and landscaping: • The decrease in the fair market value of the property
Tree Planting – Use Phosphorus Fertilizer
One of the great gifts of gardening in the South is the fact that our soil rarely freezes. That means we can plant shrubs and trees during months our Northern neighbors are shoveling their sidewalks. If you decid
Trees – Dealing With Storm Damage
Ice, snow and wind storms can cause extensive damage to trees. Snow and ice add tons of extra weight to individual trees. Stems and branches break, while some trees may be completely bent over. Here’s what you ca
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