Trumpet vines and a decorative iron grill werent enough to tame the sun on the ramada of Joseph and Toni Fammartinos Santa Fe home. When Mark Licht of Clemens & Associates designed the ramada, he planned for sha
Yellow Bells (Tecoma stans)Glossy green foliage and large clusters of bright yellow flowers from late spring through early winter make it a showy choice for screening and for big shrub borders. In mild climates, you
Beverly Hills ― More than 200 trees turned this formerly barren lot into a woodland. The transformation from bare lot to verdant forest is amazing, one juror remarked. Thats why we love plants.The goal for designers
Because summer high temperatures average only 68° in this part of Alaska, Gabriela Husmann and Konrad Schaad needed beds that would warm up quickly in spring and get flowers off to a faster start than in flat ground
All it takes is one unique plant to draw attention to a special area of the garden. In Shelly and Bill Coglizers Northern California backyard, that attention-getter is Japanese barberry (Berberis thunbergii Aurea).
Use perennials as backbones, annuals as fillers. Sisters Specialty Gardens uses flowering shrubs and perennials as mainstays in beds and borders, filling in around them with annuals for quick and easy color. A pathw
Escondido resident Peter Bailey doesnt own a lawn mower and doesnt intend to. Instead of putting in a thirsty, high-maintenance lawn, Bailey ― a mechanical engineer ― landscaped 700 square feet behind his contempora
Small lots dont easily accommodate separate outdoor living areas. But Dean Shibuya and Jeffrey Molloys 600-square-foot San Francisco backyard uses every square inch to contain several garden rooms comfortably.To cre
Desert classic in Palm Springs
Bud and Barbara Hoovers garden complements their 1920s house so gracefully youd assume it was installed at the same time. Not so. Palm Springs homes of that era rarely had gardens: They had sand, says Barbara. Water
When Jeff Lightbody was designing a new landscape around his century-old home in Boise, he didnt set out to create a pair of gardens with two personalities. But thats what happened: The front yard wears the demure f
Mediterranean meadow in the Bay Area
When Linda and Ted Schlein moved into their Spanish-style house in Menlo Park, they inherited a totally different landscape than the one theyd known. Wed just come from a colonial house surrounded by green lawn, shr
An existing rear retaining wall and a new elevated watercourse and spillway define this distinctive backyard entertaining space. They echo similar features found in Mediterranean gardens and brought to the West duri
Standards: Small worlds of color
Standards - flowering shrubs or woody vines trained to look like small trees - have never been in greater demand. Patio trees in which the plants crown is at least 30 inches above the top of the container are especi
You dont need lots of space to grow herbs and vegetables. At Sunsets headquarters, test-garden coordinator Bud Stuckey planted this organic vegetable garden in four raised beds, each 4 feet square and made of 2-by-6
Danville, CA. Jack and Shelley Bays wanted a garden with variety, seasonal color, and plenty of foliage to soften stark walls.Landscape architect Mathew Henning and landscape designer Heather Anderson provided a sim
Landscape architect Greg Trutza adapted an idea from Renaissance gardens for this contemporary Phoenix terrace: the water rail. Its a particularly distinctive feature of the Villa dEste at Tivoli near Rome, where wa
Plant a dazzling low-water bed
A. Cushion spurge (Euphorbia epithymoides); all zones (12 plants).B. Lambs ears (Stachys byzantina Silver Carpet); all zones (5).C. Santa Barbara daisy (Erigeron karvinskianus); zones 8-9, 13-24 (4).D. Fountain gras
A group of Seattle condominium owners didnt horse around when they decided to share a rooftop garden. With no ground to cultivate, Linda and Greg Harris, Greg Kucera, and Larry Yocom came up with an ingenious soluti
Cristie Thomas and Scott Lindberg, who design and fabricate arbors, gates, and other landscape ornaments under the name :L:M:N:O: Arts, describe their professional style as eclectic and graceful. So what is the coup
Dining and Entertainment Patio
This timeless patio has all the comforts of home: a state-of-the-art barbecue with tile counter and sink, a firepit for toasting marshmallows, a water feature for a touch of serenity, and an outdoor fireplace to gat
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