Lawn edges are a beautiful way to decorate a garden, lawn, and backyard. They provide an edge and a distinct look to the lawn. You can plan the design yourself or get it done by a professional in order to install the best boundary for it. However, decide the budget first, so that the expenses do not go overboard.

If you are planning for renovating your lawn, then start by adding edges to the garden, lawns and other landscapes present in your house. It improves lawn's aesthetic beauty. A nice decorative touch with exquisite boundaries of grass and flowers enhance the natural beauty of your house. The edging can also be done with materials like wood, plastic, metal, stones, bricks, etc. These materials are durable and last long.Lawn Edging OptionsInvestments soar high when you choose landscaping bricks and cement for constructing the boundary. You can also use your innovative skills and take it up as a DIY project by using flowers, grass and wood for raising the edge. Edging with Plants or Grass

Grass boundaries add freshness and life to lawns and gardens. Ground cover plants and ornamental plants can be used to create a natural boundary. Aegopodiumalso and Alyssum are excellent choices for garden edging plants. Edges requiring high maintenance should be trimmed every season to avoid uneven growth of the foliage. Try blending different species of plants and flowers to create a multicolored edge. On the boundaries low lying ornamental grass can be spread for beautifying the lawns.Edging with BambooEdging of the lawns and gardens can be done with bamboo plants. This eco-friendly edge complements lawns having lush green grass-bed and tropical flowers. It adds a country-style finish to lawns. Although the vintage color of bamboo looks exquisite, many people are opting for coloring the bamboo in order to complement the exterior decor of their house.Edging with Stones

Lawn borders built with stones require very little maintenance. They are long-lasting and cheap. Stones, pebbles and shells are aesthetically pleasing. You can keep colored stones and rocks or use stones with their natural tint. Lawns edged with cemented bricks are considerably durable. Fieldstone is a good option for lawn edges, vegetable gardens and landscapes. Brick and cement borders of different styles, shapes and color can also be used.Edging with Rubber and PlasticRecycled rubber mulch edges are easily available in home gardening stores and it provides protection against intrusion of weeds. Recycled rubber edges are durable, thick and come in low prices. Even though they are made up of rubber, they allow water to pass freely to the grass-bed. It's for all these advantages you can consider installing a recycled rubber edge. Plastic edges though not a very preferred option is fairly easy to install and is cost-effective at the same time.Edging with Metals Metal edges are quite expensive and must be installed by a professional. You can paint and polish the metal edges in order to improve their metallic sheen and luster. This also prevents rusting and makes them waterproof. Edging with WoodYou can create a miniature picket fence with wood and edge with pieces of log. Ceramic tiles attached to plywood looks very attractive when used as borders in gardens. Edging with landscape timbers is also a good option. Pre-made wooden blocks are also available in log houses for lawn edging purposes. Uniform pieces of firewood and tubular pieces of wood also form beautiful edges for landscapes.