Getting a customer for a tree removal job is vitally important for tree service companies. One way to acquire clients is to give them the assurance that you can get the job done in the most satisfactory way possible. An alternate way is to give them a good that will make sure they know that they are getting a good deal. If you're new in the business nevertheless, you might find all this quite tough. Here are 1 or 2 tips in bidding for tree removal.
Visit the Location and Make Notes
Before you bid on any tree removal job, you need to be sure that you see the tree and the site that it will be removed from. Never bid before seeing the tree and job site first. This way, you can gauge how difficult or easy the job will be. Also, make notes on the work that your crew must perform to get the tree removed.
Do the Necessary Calculations
Now that you have seen the extent of the tree removal job that must be done, you can now perform all of the mandatory calculations. Calculate the quantity of time that it will take to get rid of the tree as well as the amount of workers that'll be wanted to get the job done. Also, note the length of the entire project and other extraneous materials required such as gas and other tools.
Prepare the Bid
Now it is time to prepare the bid for the tree removal job. Break down the cost of the entire project so that the owner will know the parts of the entire undertaking that has to be paid for. Be as precise as practicable and list all the tasks and material costs that are required. Then present it to the owner with your contact info.
Make a good bid that's neither too high to render everything too expensive nor too low in order that it cannot cover all costs. Also, ensure that you do the job for the stated amount that you bid for a particular tree removal job.