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How To Care For A China Doll Plant

The China doll (Radermachera sinica) is a fairly new houseplant that has become very popular and widely available. This plant is like a tree, with attractive, glossy, mid-gre

How To Care For Ming Aralia Houseplants

Why the Ming Aralia (Polyscias fruticosa) ever fell out of favor as a houseplant is beyond me. This plant is one of the easiest and loveliest houseplants available. With a li

Japanese Aralia Care: How To Grow Fatsia Japonica

Japanese aralia is a tropical plant that makes a bold statement in the garden, in outdoor containers or as a houseplant. Find out about fatsia growing conditions and care req

Aralia Plant Information: Tips On Growing Aralias

Aralia is a striking, multi-stemmed member of the Araliaceae family, a huge family that consists of more than 70 species. With so many types of aralia from which to choose, p

Backyard Bartending: Growing Hops at Home

What are hops? The part of the plant that is used to make beer is the flower of the Humulus lupulus. The little green pinecone-looking flower is also called a strobilus or seed cone. From a gardeners perspective,

How Can I Get My Climbing Hydrangea to Bloom?

Climbing hydrangeas are something of a patience plant -- theyre notorious for taking their time in getting established. Ive known some gardeners who have given their plants perfect care, and it still took seven ye

Tree Deals: How to Score Some Shade on a Budget

Plant Shade Trees and Add Up the Savings When the harsh summer sun beats down and temperatures soar, shade trees come to the rescue. These workhorses in the landscape do more than provide a place for you to cool

Recycle Your Christmas Tree

Christmas trees are biodegradable and have several uses that benefit nature. Toss your Christmas tree into your backyard or garden as a shelter for birds and small animals during the winter. Better yet, place th

First Year Tree Care

Establishing trees on your lot is an important step, both for aesthetic reasons and more practical ones, such as lowering your energy bills in summer and winter. You can keep trees strong and healthy through the

How to Move a Tree

1) The forks of the tree spade plunge down around the specimen. Move in early spring while the tree is dormant; any other time can be fatal. continue reading below 2) Having been soaked overnight

All About Trees

Whether or not to plant a tree is one of the first landscaping decisions you need to make, and one of the most lasting ones, as a tree will stay around to reward or punish you and generations to come. When the a

Evergreen Trees

What is an Evergreen? Evergreen is a term used for any plant that retains its foliage through the year. As a group, evergreens are divided into two classes: needle-leaf (conifer) and broadleaf. Needle-leaf everg

Flowering Trees

Dogwood Kousa dogwood Showy and refined, dogwoods take center stage in spring with copious white to pink blooms and elegant structure. Flowering dogwood (Cornus florida) is the best known, but kousa dogwood (C.

Best Trees for Winter Landscape Interest

Winter in the North can be a gardeners worst enemy: Theres nothing to plant, little outside work to do, and no plants that bloom outdoors. Fortunately, trees can come to the rescue, with color, texture, height, and som

Is there a way to stop oak trees from producing acorns?

Acorn production varies from year to year -- sometimes youll get a bumper crop, and other times just a few. There isnt a simple way to prevent the acorns from forming. Floral growth regulator can be sprayed on the

Buying a Christmas Tree to Plant

Blue spruce makes a good living Christmas tree, and an impressive addition to a large yard. Buying a potted evergreen to serve both as a Christmas tree and a yard tree is possible, though a bit of a challenge. M

Why Are the Bottom Branches on My Colorado Blue Spruce Disappearing? Will They Grow Back?

There could be several reasons for the lower branches dying on your spruce. If the upper branches provide too much shade, the lower branches naturally die off. Also, several diseases can contribute to branch dieba

Can Dwarf Alberta Spruce be Trimmed?

It sounds as though dwarf Alberta spruce wasnt the best choice for your garden. The trees can get rather wide (up to 8 feet), and it is difficult to keep them narrow. Trim back the new growth that appears on the s

Why Are My Leyland Cypress Turning Brown?

Browning on newly planted Leyland cypress could be caused by a number of different things. Perhaps the two trees that are turning brown are suffering from moisture stress. If their roots havent spread into surroun

How Do I Grow and Plant Maple Tree Seedlings?

I dont know what species maple you have, from what you have told me, but aside from smaller species such as Japanese maple, most grow large. Anything with a mature height of 25 feet or more should be at least 15 f

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