Serviceberry tree is reckoned ethereal. They are spruced with bountiful of subliminal charm. I am sure it would be a delightful experience for you to know all about the serviceberry tree. Embark upon this article with nature by your side.

What better sight to behold than a serviceberry tree swaying to the tunes of the wind, ruffled up with innocence, displaying the boldness of an insane beauty. Well, yes, serviceberry trees are so beautiful, that we as observers are bound to get poetic. The tree chants positivity in every breath. A sense of tranquility dawns upon you when you bestow your attention on the tree. This article branches out into three sections that highlight facts about the tree, its hybrid called autumn brilliance and the diseases this beautiful tree may, sadly endure.
Facts about Serviceberry Tree
- The serviceberry tree heralds from the rose family.
- The tree has a number of names to flaunt; for instance, Swamp sugar pear, shadbush, sarviceberry, saskatoonberry, grape pear, juneberry, shadblow, mespilus, and bloody choke-berry.
- The scientific terminology used for this tree is Amelanchier canadensis. The term 'Amelanchier' means honey-sweet berries.
- The tree can be referred to as a tree or a bush. The tree assumes this middle path, courtesy the various sizes it can be obtained in.
- A mature serviceberry tree can shoot up to a height of 40 feet while others could range between 10 to 20 feet. A mature serviceberry spread can limit itself to 20 feet.
- The tree is categorized under the deciduous tree / shrub clan.
- The leaves are two inches long and have a tint of blue and a pinch of green. Their dense fall foliage assumes a color palette featuring warm yellows, tangy oranges and vibrant reds. During winters, the tree is found exuding no color, yet it exhibits a gray branch having vertical streaks running in concert on the tree. This sight, too, of the tree looks intriguing in its own way.
- When the tree sprouts out with white flowers in clusters, it is time to understand that spring has now set its foot. The small white flowers personify beauty to the core. The summer brings with it little juicy berries. Their color changes from green to a deep purple when they are ripe and ready.
- The berries are sweet and taste delicious. They could be popped into the mouth for a light munch and are also used in preparing lip-smacking jams.
- Plant your serviceberries as soon as fully ripen. Planting serviceberries may also attract birds. A nature lover would want to see birds flocking and tweeting around shrubs and bushes. Serviceberry trees, when planted, do just that! Robbins, mockingbirds, cardinals, blue jays are some of the most beautiful birds that will frequent your backyard.
- The serviceberry tree apart from being known for the delicious flavor that the berries leave in your mouth, tops the list of ornamental tree. They are great option to create an enchanting landscape. As they bear white flowers and variegated fall foliage, they could be contrasted with evergreen trees. It serves to be a colorful plant for small backyards.
Hybrids of Serviceberry Tree
For serviceberry tree, autumn brilliance is one among its very dear varieties of hybrids. Princess Diana and Forest Prince are other popular varieties of hybrids. The autumn brilliance is also called the apple serviceberry. The botanical identity of this tree is referred to as Amelanchier X grandiflora, having its roots in the rosaceae clan. It ranges from 20 to 25 feet in height. It sprouts white flowers during the month of April. It bears fruits called juneberries that are edible and are consumed in jams. It is a low maintenance tree, that has moderate demands for water supply.
Diseases Floundering Serviceberry Tree
- The tree diseases include a condition called the witches broom. It is also called the black mildew. The black mildew strikes at the growth terminals of the tree and spreads infection. This infection gives rise to stems in concert. This stem cluster is referred to as the witches broom. Another sign to look out for is a black colored fungus that appears on the lower surface of the leaves. In such cases, you should not resort to chemical control methods.
- Leaf blight is another disease that strikes the foliage. Tiny purple blots appear on the surface of the leaf and the leaf tends to droop. This infection can cause the foliage to look lifeless and weighed down.
- Fire blight is a disease that forces the tips of the branch to wither away.
- The bark of the tree beginning to appear withered, developing tiny blister like structures, indicate a disease attack called blossom wilt. There is a clear demarcation between the affected bark and the normal, infection-free bark due to the formation of a crack that proves to be a leakage point for the gum-like substance to ooze out. The act of pruning out the stems and barks could be an instant remedy to treat the damage.
The serviceberry tree is thus a treat for the eye to feast upon. Encourage yourself to plant this tree in your backyard for brilliant landscaping, and feed your senses with natural beauty.