Flowering shrubs can add that extra charm and enhance the look of your garden or landscape. In this Buzzle article, we tell you of a few shrubs that will ensure your garden looks pretty with beautiful white flowers.

Flowering shrubs and bushes are probably the only thing that attract the attention of humans as well as birds. They are so bright and flamboyant, that many birds and butterflies get attracted towards them. Flowering bushes and shrubs look amazing when they are completely in bloom and are laden with variety of colorful berries or fruits. Each colorful flowering plant means something, and defines the character of your house or the garden. Out of all the vibrant colors, white makes your garden look peaceful. It also gives a touch of elegance and class to flower gardens and landscaping. Given below are some of the most popular white flowering shrub varieties, that you can plant in your garden and trellises according to your choice.
Bridal Wreath Spirea
When it comes to gardening, this is one of the all time classic shrubs. It grows approximately 5-9 feet and blooms best in full sun and average soil. It is a low maintenance shrub that needs pruning once in a while, just to maintain shape. It produces pure white flowers in a tiny bouquet format on curved branches. The flowers bloom before the leaves appear, spreading only the white color around. Small leaves start appearing once the bloom fades away. As the name suggests, Bridal Wreath Spirea looks as beautiful as a well-groomed bride.
Anne Russel Viburnum
This is one bush that has a pleasant fragrance. It grows up to 6-8 feet tall, and almost 6 feet wide, and is at its best in April. It has lush green, greasy, shiny leaves, that attracts attention even when the flowers are not in bloom. Anne Russel Viburnum produces pale pink buds, that bloom to pure white flowers and turn reddish during fall.
Annabelle Hydrangea
This is a small flowering shrub that appears in a clustered from, with small flowers blooming together to form a big flower that can be as big as 12 inches across. It is widely adaptable to any kind of soil and requires partial or full sun. Apart from this, it has a moderate growth rate. Annabelle Hydrangea grows up to 3-5 feet tall, and blooms completely in summer. It can also survive in winter and cold wind storms. It is one of the most widely used flowering shrubs to accentuate the beauty of gardens.
Little Henry Sweet Spire
This is another beautiful small shrub with tube-like flowers that bloom in spring. It grows almost 3 feet tall and wide, and has fragrant flowers that attract many butterflies. It grows best in moist soil and needs to be exposed to the sun. This shrub does not need regular watering; occasional watering is enough as it has a moderate growth rate. Little Henry Sweet Spire is ideal for trellises in the balcony; it can even be planted in flower pots and kept it in the living room or bedroom.
Natchez Crape Myrtle
This is one of the best shrubs for shade, as it grows in to a full-fledged multi-trunk tree. It comes in various types, out of which Natchez Crape Myrtle is the tallest. It can grow up to thirty feet tall and has arched branches. It looks beautiful when it blooms fully and covers the tree with white flowers.
You can plant any of these as borders or hedges in your garden. White flowering shrubs go with any kind of garden theme as white flowers are compatible with any other flower color, and blend beautifully with other flowering shrubs.