If you think there are less choices for non-flowering house plants, consider again. There are several options of foliage plants, which will surely liven up your room. The list includes, sansevieria, ficus, pothos, dracaena and bonsai amongst others.

A flower garden with vibrant colored blooms appears incomplete in the absence of a green background. Likewise, foliage cultivars or the non-flowering plants are important elements for interior designing. They are easy to care for in comparison to the flowering varieties. These houseplants perform well in warm temperatures, low light conditions, less aeration and other factors, which are prevalent indoors. So, you need not be very stringent about caring for them, which is so with the flowering plants to induce blooms.
Popular Non-flowering House Plants
Non-flowering indoor plants brighten the room, which otherwise look dull. They are ideal for both formal and informal interior settings. In case, you have less time for nurturing them and cleaning up the spent blooms, then also grow low light indoor plants. Adorn with different shaped and varied colored leaves, they simply make the room elegant without spending much effort from your side. The following are some non-flowering plants appreciated for maintaining as house plants.
Whether you are referring to mother-in-law's tongue, snake plant or sansevieria, they mean one and the same foliage plant. It is indigenous to dry land and is extremely tolerant to drought conditions. What's more, sansevieria grows optimally under low light conditions. You will find varied species of this hardy houseplant, and all of them have variegated, strap shaped, sturdy and stiff leaves. This strikingly beautiful sansevieria plant reaches a height of about 3 - 4 feet.
Norfolk Pine
As the name goes, it resembles a smaller version of the pine tree. The desirable attributes of this type of house plant are lush green colored and needle shaped foliage, and interesting shape. Also, the leaves are retained throughout the year, which is unlikely for the regular pine species. The norfolk pine requires bright light, subtropical temperature and moist soil with no drainage concerns. You can grow this as a small desktop plant for office or larger floor plant for homes.
Braided Ficus
At young stage, 3 - 4 stems of ficus are braided around each other, so as to develop a thick and round shaped crown as the plants mature. Braiding the trunks gives a spectacular view of the stem as well as the shape. They can adapt in a wide range of indoor temperature, humidity level and soil types. However, depriving them of bright sunlight will reduce their vigor and growth. While keeping braided ficus near the door, rotate the container for even exposure of the plant parts to light.
While discussing non-flowering house plants, you cannot miss philodendron that have heart-shaped leaves. It is one of the most spectacular foliage plants known to us. With variety of species, they bring a tropical touch to interior design. You can select the self heading cultivar, instead of climbing species. Provide bright light, room temperature, moist soil, fertile and well-drained soil to grow a healthy philodendron.
Golden Pothos
Do not confuse a pothos vine with that of philodendron. Both are characterized by their heart-shaped leaves and look similar. The foliage of golden pothos (also known as devil's ivy or silver ivy) are variegated with patches of white and yellow in the green background. This attractive foliage plant is hardy, and grows profusely with no disease and pest problems. You just need to provide a support system to encourage proper growth of this twining vine.
Also relegated as a false palm, dracaena is a tropical plant remarkable for its large, pointed, elongated shaped and variegated foliage. It requires filtered light, proper drainage, high humidity and warm temperature for optimal growth. This low maintenance houseplant grows to a height of 2 - 10 feet, but tolerates frequent pruning. You can choose from a variety of dracaena cultivars, which are suitable for growing alone or in groups.
The list of non-flowering plants for indoor gardening would be incomplete without bonsai plants. Yes, these are reduced plant forms, grown and trained in attractive shapes. Growing bonsai from seedlings and cuttings is definitely a time-consuming project, and requires special skills. Hence, you can purchase already trained bonsai from a plant supplier and introduce this miniature art form in your interior décor.
So, create an ambient indoor environment by maintaining these non-flowering house plants. These house plants improve the indoor air quality and provide a cooling effect. While selecting foliage houseplants, ensure that they remain green all the year round. After all, you don't want to spot a bare stem, or clear up the fallen leaves during cold months, right!