Choosing some great indoor plants that clean air is one of the most sensible decisions one can make for home improvements.

Indoor air pollution is one of the major culprits in causing several diseases for the human body. One may not be aware of the rising levels of harmful gases and other pollutants in offices or at home. One of the most effective ways in countering such pollution is to bring some indoor plants that clean air. There are several house plants which not only add to the charm and decor of our indoors but also absorb harmful pollutants so that we breathe fresh and clean air. They can be an important part of a system to provide pollution-less air at home and workplace. Following is a list of best houseplants with air cleaning qualities.
Areca Palm - Chrysalidocarpus Lutescens
The areca palm is known to be effective in removing xylene from the air. The plant does not have a long life though. As the plant starts getting yellow, remove whole fronds. If you see that the fronds bear a permanent damage, it is better to cut them off altogether. The well-being of this plant depends upon regular care and lots of attention.
Bamboo Palm - Chamaedorea Seifrizii
Also known as the reed palm, the bamboo palm effectively removes formaldehyde, benzene, and carbon monoxide from the air. This larger sized indoor plant prefers medium light and high humidity. The plant should be drained properly and it is important to remove the fertilizer from the top of the pot, as it is salt-sensitive. The bamboo palm does not like to sit in water and so take care of the watering.
Chinese Evergreen - Aglaonema Modestum
This plant is grown in many varieties. Take care not to keep the plant too moist as it will hamper its size and growth, and see to it that it is not left too dry. Dryness causes it to lose its lower yellow leaves.
Boston Fern - Nephrolepis Exaltata
The Boston fern grows well in high humidity and areas with plenty of indirect sunlight. Do not let the plant sit in standing water nor expose it to direct sun. Humid places and moist soil are ideal for a healthy growth. This plant requires lots of care and attention for it to sustain indoors.
Gerbea Daisy - Gerbera Jamesonii
The Gerbera daisy is amongst the upright flowering indoor plants that help improve the quality of air. Bright indirect or filtered light is preferable for its growth, and warm areas in the house or office should be avoided for its placement.
Janet Craig - Dracaena Deremensis
This low light-tolerant plant is adaptable to slightly dry soil. The Janet Craig usually gets top heavy and loses its upright position. Do not let the plant be exposed to light or heat source as it raises its temperature which may be harmful. This can be avoided by cutting the stalk.
Marginata - Dracaena Marginata
Among the low-water requiring houseplants that also help purify air is the Marginata. The plant is known to be an effective remover of formaldehyde from the air. This plant is tolerant to low light, but does better in bright light.
English Ivy - Hedera Helix
The English ivy comes with a long life span, with a moderate growth rate in spring and summer. It requires medium amount of moisture and it grows well in coarse, fine, and medium soil. This plant, apart from being an air cleaner, is also fire tolerant. The English ivy can grow without the occasional trimmings.
Peace Lily - Spathiphyllum
The peace lilies grow in shades and do well in brighter light, but they are not for direct hot sun. Being a thirsty plant, it requires water in heavy quantities unlike most other plants. Adequate amount of humidity is also required for the healthy growth of this plant. The peace lily is known for its ability to eliminate ammonia, acetone, ethyl and methyl alcohol, ethyl acetate, trichloroethylene, and xylene from the surrounding atmosphere, apart from removing formaldehyde, benzine, and carbon monoxide.
Pot Mum - Chrysantheium morifolium
Pot mum is one gorgeous looking indoor plant, which also helps in cleaning indoor air. It requires regular watering and does not like the pot to dry out. Unlike other houseplants, a pot mum requires natural light for healthy growth. For better growth, prune the plant in the late winter or early spring.
Most of the plants listed above have been through the Clean Air Study conducted by NASA. These houseplants have been attributed with amazing air-cleaning qualities for home and workplace. So, bring home some of these living air-cleaners, take care of them, and breath healthy and pollution-free air!