Flowering Euphorbia (crown of thorns) in a sunny window should be watered infrequently, just like a succulent.
This time of year the cheery green of houseplants can brighten the day immensely. We have a selection of plants and will continue to bring in new ones throughout the winter. We’re looking forwards to bringing in new varieties of ferns and ivy in the next few weeks.
Stop by if you need something green and growing to cheer you up!

A few tips on caring for houseplants during winter months:
- Be careful watering! During winter months houseplants are not growing much, so they don’t need that much water. We are careful to let our plants nearly dry out in between waterings and let succulents totally dry out. Plants that like moisture around their leaves, including begonias and ferns, get misted every day.
- Keep temperatures consistent. Fluctuating temperatures stress plants out, so it’s best to keep houseplants away from heating units or doors that open frequently and let cold air in.
- Rotation! If your plants are leaning towards the window, rotate them so they will straighten up.