Growing plants from
seed is one of the most
exciting, as well as economical,
gardening practices.
When you plant a named variety
of a rose, an Iris or a day
lily you know in advance exactly
what the flower will look
like, but if a packet of mixed
zinnias or asters are sown
you'll be in for a lot of pleasant
surprises. Very likely you
will see colors that you never
knew existed; shades, In fact,
that very likely don't even appear
in the seed catalogs. So,
just for the fun of it, try growing
a garden from seed.
You can raise both annuals
and perennials from seed, the
latter class take longer to mature
(that is why they are frequently
started in the fall) but
they live for two or more seasons.
Many perennials that
can be propagated from a tiny
seed will become permanent
assets in your garden. On the
other hand, annuals are plants
that complete their entire life
cycle in one growing season.
They germinate rapidly and
bush right along to the flowering
period. They are rushed
for time and consequently will
bloom in a hurry.
No matter whether annuals
or perennials are planted make
sure seeds are fresh. The best
way to insure the viability of
the seed is to purchase only
from a reputable dealer. Flower
seeds, like all other seeds,
lose their viability over a
period of years. Curiously
enough, the germination percentage
may rise in a given
year but over a period of years
it gradually decreases entirely.
If you wish to keep seed from
one year to the next make
sure it is stored in an atmosphere
of low humidity and
One of the best mediums
for starting seed indoors
is a regulation nursery flat.
This is the kind of container
in which established transplants
are usually sold in garden
supply stores. The seed
flat 'measures roughly about
18x18 inches and is perhaps
two inches high. You can always
borrow one from your
neighborhood nurseryman.
When you get ready to plant
be sure you have the right soil
mixture. Just what is right
for years has been a controversial
subject among nurserymen,
and probably always will
be. Generally speaking, a mixture
of one part No. 2 sand and
one part peat moss should suffice.
This type of starting soil
minimizes the possibility of
weed seed or soil-borne diseases.
It is loose, porous, clean
and easy to use.
After placing the soil in the
seed flat it should be tamped
down and made smooth. The
top of the surface should be at
least one-fourth of an inch below
the top edges of the seed
flat: This insures the proper
level for watering and should
keep any moisture from running
over the top of the flat.
Drills can then be made on
the soil surface, using a ruler
or a comparable straight edge.
The planting depth is determined
by the size of the
seed. Correct instructions are
always given on the seed packet
but a rough average would
be about three times the diameter
of the seed. Tiny seeds
should simply be pressed into
the soil. After planting, set
the seed flat, in a large container
in which the water level
is below the top of the flat.
Moisture will seep upwards by
capillary action. This method
of watering is preferable to
overhead sprinkling which still
will prove satisfactory if an
adequate container is not available.
What is interesting to know
is that three specific factors
are required for germination:
1 temperature, 2 moisture and
3 oxygen. When planting
naked seed, especially in the
outdoor garden, make sure
there is a firm contact between
the seed and the soil. Otherwise,
moisture will not move
from the soil particles to the
seed. This is frequently a
cause of low germination. It
is advisable to have sufficient
moisture in the soil to germinate
the seed and push the
seedlings through the surface.
Watering after planting, but
before the seedlings appear
may prove disastrous. Watering
often causes the surface to
cake, thus forming a barrier
that the tiny seedling must
push through.