is a type of gardening
that can be enjoyed by
everybody. You don't need a
vast acreage, a lot, of money
tor upkeep or, as a matter of
fact, very much knowledge.
Yet the results of bulb-growing
indoors are always highly
gratifying. And, in addition,
you can watch the day-by-day
development of the plants.
This Is the time to get started.
There are several bulb varieties
suitable for bulb forcing
but tulips, daffodils and
hyacinths remain the most
popular. This also seems to be
true of outdoor bulb growing.
For forcing purposes the largest
size will prove most advantageous. This seems especially
true of hyacinths, the small or
bedding size being of very little
value comparatively for Indoor
One of the most important
factors concerned with pot culture
of bulbs is adequate drainage.
Unless excess moisture
can flow rapidly from the container
the bulbs may rot. Although
bulbous plants thrive
on ample water supplies, they
are not aquatics. They will not
develop properly in soggy soils
and the bulbs, because of the
large mass contained, are quite
susceptible to rotting,
Drainage is easily installed
in the average clay pot or
comparable container. The
drainage hole in the bottom
of the pot should be covered
with a piece of curved broken
crockery. The curved section
should face upwards. Then add
a layer of broken bits of crockery.
This situation will prevent
the soil from clogging up the
drainage hole, will encourage
free exit of excess moisture
and provides for a certain
amount of aeration.
A MODERATELY rich garden
loam slightly on the
alkaline side will suffice for a
potting mixture. Thoroughly
decomposed manure can be
added but make sure It is no
longer hot. Bulbous plants can
be forced well only after a
system of well-established roots
has formed. One of the best
ways of encouraging this condition
is to sink the pots in a
Make a trench about six or
eight inches deep, just narrow
enough to accommodate the
planting containers. Before setting
the pots in this ditch
water the soil thoroughly and
do not let the compost dry out
afterwards. The pots can then
be covered either with soil or
peat and topped off with
leaves or peat.
If this type of culture is not
convenient the pots can simply
be stored in a dark room. Keep
out light and heat. The temperature
should not exceed
fifty degrees for best results.
BULBS CAN also be planted
in fibre, rather than making
a soil mixture. Bulb fibre
is sold by most garden supply
dealers and is economical and
clean. The pot that is to be
planted should be filled to the
top with the fibre, then saturated
with water and all excess
moisture squeezed out. Then
plant the bulbs. Add water
about every two weeks and
more frequently after the roots
are well established.
It is advisable to keep the
bulbs In a cool environment
until about the first of February.
The early varieties can then be introduced to a temperature
of around 65 degrees.
Keep them well shaded for the
first week; after this more
light can be added and watch
the soil moisture content carefully;
it must not be allowed
to dry out. More heat can be
allowed and in approximately
one month the flowers should
appear. As the tops develop
you gradually add more light
and heat.
Care needed to avoid
too much light which may
cause the flowers to appear
prematurely; the result being
a flower squatting on a very
short stem. To discourage this
formation, place an inverted
pot over the plant, thus keeping out the excessive light.
Such treatment allows the
stems to grow to their proper
height in advance of the flower
opening stage.
Hyacinths and daffodils such
as the paper white and golden
paper white can be grown just
in water. The hyacinths should
be placed In regulation hyacinth
glasses and the narcissus
in shallow bowls, the bulbs being
supported in place by pebbles
or small rocks.