Jade Plant Crassula ovataMoney Plants A Jade Plant, sometimes called a friendship tree, lucky plant, or money tree, is a green plant friend that just won’t die! It’s a perfect table plant or short bushy fl
Hoya Shooting Stars Plant Hoya MultifloraWax PlantPorcelain Flower The Hoya Shooting Stars Plant is native to Thailand and Malaysia. White blooms on the Hoya Shooting Stars plant appear in large clusters,
Hoya Plant Hoya carnosaWax Plant There are over 200 species of the easy to grow almost indestructible Hoya Plant. Hoya Plants are often referred to as Wax Plants because of the waxy nature of their leaves
Hindu Rope Plant Hoya Carnosa CompactaKrinkle Curl Hoya Plant Unique Hindu Rope HousePlants, Hoya carnosa compacta, are draping succulentLearn how to grow and care for succulent plants at Houseplant411.co
Hibiscus Plant Hibiscus trionumFlower of the Hour Plant Hibiscus Plants can be found outdoors in tropical and sub-tropical areas throughout the world. Hibiscus Plants also do well as indoor houseplants in
Heartleaf Philodendron Scandens oxycardiumPhilodendron cordatumSweetheart Philodendron There are over 200 different varieties of Philodendron Plants, all with different size, color, and shape of leaves. Th
Hawaiian Schefflera Plant Schefflera arboricolaArboricola An Arboricola, or Hawaiian Schefflera Plant, originally came from Taiwan and can be grown as an indoor houseplant or an outdoor plant in moderate c
Hawaiian Schefflera – Gold Capella
Hawaiian Schefflera – Gold Capella Schefflera arboricolaArboricola An Arboricola, or Hawaiian Schefflera Plant, originally came from Taiwan and,when grown as an outdoor plant, even flowers. Hawaiian
Grape Ivy Plant Cissus rhombifolia Grape Ivy Plants, and their relative the Oak Leaf or Ellen Danica Ivy Plant, have dark green glossy leaves that grow off of long thin stems. Grape Ivy Plants are only abo
Goldfish Plant Columnea nematanthusNematanthus If you have a high lightVery few houseplants should be placed in direct sun. High light refers only to bright indirect light since direct sun often burns the
Geranium Plant Pelargonium GeraniumPlants are very popular outdoor plants, but they also make great indoor flowering plants. Geraniums are part of the genus Pelargonium which means “stork” in Latin. Native
Gardenia Plant Gardenia jasminoides Gardenia Plants have beautifully scented waxy white flowers and glossy green leaves, but are very temperamental plants and won't put up with neglect. A Gardenia Pl
Fittonia Plant Fittonia verschaffetiiNerve Plant | Mosaic plant A Fittonia Plant (Nerve Plant/Mosaic Plant)is native to the tropical rainforests of Central and South America. It gets its nicknames, Nerve
Fishtail Palm Plant Caryota mitis If you love indoor palm plants but are getting tired of the usual ones like the Bamboo Palm or Neantheabella Palm, it's time to try a Fishtail Palm. A Fishtail Palm,
Ficus Tree Ficus BenjaminaWeeping Fig TreeFicus Tree Ficus Benjamina Trees have the reputation of being temperamental high-light plants, but today there are new hardy varieties of Ficus Trees that grow in
Ficus Lyrata Plant Ficus lyrataFiddle Leaf Fig Plant A Ficus Lyrata, or as it's commonly called a Fiddle Leaf Fig Plant, has large wide leathery leaves that resemble a violin or fiddle. These dark gr
Ficus Alii Plant Ficus maclellandii PlantFicus Amstel Plant The Ficus Alii Tree, or Amstel King Tree as it is sometimes called, is a large houseplant that originally came from Asia, Malaysia, and India. Th
Fatsia Plant Fatsia japonicaJapanese Aralia Plant The Fatsia Plant or Japanese Aralia originated in the sub-tropic forests of Japan, Korea, & Taiwan. Fatsia plants are a type of evergreen plant that ca
Episcia Plant Episcia cupriataFlame Violet Plant Episcias are lovely trailing plants native to Central and South America, Brazil, and the West Indies. An Episcia Plant is grown for its colorful textured le
English Ivy Plant Hedera helix English Ivy Plants, native to North America, Europe, and Asia, can be found in over 100 different sizes, colors, and leaf shapes. Whether you want a plant to place on a table
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