Lysimachia ciliata Firecracker
Hairy loosestrife (Lysimachia ciliata Firecracker) lye-sih-MAK-ee-ah sil-ee-AY-tah
Red spider lily Red spider lily (Lycoris radiata) Red spider lily’s brilliant red flowers remind me of a
Loropetalum chinense Chang Nian Hong
Ever Red® Loropetalum (Loropetalum chinense Chang Nian Hong) Genus: Loropetalum
Ever Red® Loropetalum (Loropetalum chinense) Easy to grow and sun loving, Ever Red® Loropetalum offers beautiful dark
Loropetalum chinense f. rubrum Ruby
Loropetalum chinense (Loropetalum chinense f. rubrum Ruby) lor-oh-PET-ah-lum chin-EN-see forma ROO-brum
Loropetalum chinense f. rubrum Carolina Midnight
'Carolina Midnight' loropetalum (Loropetalum chinense f. rubrum Carolina Midnight) lor-oh-PET-ah- Lofos (Lophospermum Lofos)
Lonicera sempervirens Major Wheeler
'Major Wheeler' honeysuckle vine (Lonicera sempervirens 'Major Wheeler') Genus: Lon
Coral honeysuckle (Lonicera sempervirens) lon-ISS-er-ah sem-per-VEER-enz Genus:&
Lonicera periclymenum ‘Harlequin’
Common honeysuckle (Lonicera periclymenum ‘Harlequin’) lon-ISS-er-ah pair-ih-KLY-men-um Genus:
Blue cardinal flower (Lobelia siphilitica) lo-BEE-lee-ah sif-il-IT-ih-kah Genus:
Little Ragu™ Sweet Bay (Laurus nobilis ‘MonRik’ PPAF) A compact Sweet Bay with bright green
Lilyturf (Liriope muscari ‘Variegata’) lih-RY-oh-pee muss-KAR-ee Synonyms:
Liquidambar styraciflua ‘Slender Silhouette’
(Liquidambar styraciflua ‘Slender Silhouette’) There is an age-old problem that almost all gardeners e
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