Cranberry juice diet is a detox diet, that helps you to speedily shed the extra pounds. Of course, it comes with its fair share of pros and cons. Start reading and find out if it's meant for you...

Cranberries have already garnered fame, thanks to their antioxidant and nutritional properties. Now, these very qualities have made them a part of a fancy new detox diet that promises instant weight loss. Cranberry juice diet is a popular detox method followed by several celebrities for quick weight loss. But, is it something that can be tried by anyone looking to shed that extra flab? It certainly cannot be recommended for everyone, of course. Diets of any kind are not to be experimented with, as they may result in damaging your health. Therefore, it is always recommended that you consult your doctor before beginning any grueling sessions which may take a toll on your body.
Once you begin this diet, your solid meals are replaced by six to eight glasses of cranberry juice per day. The antioxidants in cranberries help your body to flush out the toxins, and thereby improve your metabolism. After the 3-day period is over, you can slowly resume eating, beginning with small portions of fresh fruits and steamed vegetables.
Aware as we all are, about the apparent benefits of cranberries, one can't be healthy enough after living on juice for a prolonged period. After completing the 3-day detoxification process, it is essential to continue eating healthy so as to avoid piling on all the lost weight. Also, try to supplement your diet with an appropriate exercise regime, which would give you a healthy and toned body.
About Cranberries...
Cranberries are known to be a rich source of antioxidants and vitamins. These antioxidants contain anti-aging properties and are said to provide protection against cancer and heart disease by boosting immunity. Of course, it makes a difference when you consume pure fruit juice, as against the artificially sweetened version.
Before you begin the diet...
• It is necessary that you prepare your body for the disciplined regime you're about to launch. Stop consuming foods rich in fats, along with sugar, caffeine and nicotine, a week before you begin the cranberry juice diet.
• Plus, avoid planning this diet during the winter months, as the body requires to consume more calories in this period.
During the diet...
• This diet involves consuming five to eight glasses of cranberry juice for 3 days, without eating any solid food.
• Along with the juice, you also need to drink around five to six glasses of warm water, to keep you from dehydrating.
• Of course, ensure that the juice you consume does not contain preservatives, and is sugar-free. Ideally, you should be making fresh juice at home, everyday.
• Dilute the juice with water if you can't seem to like the taste. But make sure that you consume the necessary amount for each of the three days.
• If you can't keep up without eating any solid food, you can consume small servings of fresh fruits to go along with your diet. These should be fiber-rich fruits like apples or pears.
Things to keep in mind...
- This 72-hour diet comes under the category of 'fad diets' that promise instant weight loss.
- One needs to remember that these diets are not healthy enough to be repeated or prolonged, as they restrict the body's daily calorie intake, thus interfering with the body's metabolism.
- The weight that you shed, following this diet is 'water weight'. You will regain this weight gradually as you go off the diet, making this a temporary weight loss tactic, unless followed up with healthy eating and exercising.
- Remember, that fad diets are not meant for everyone. Many doctors permit a juice fast for not more than 24 hours at one go. Please consult your doctor before you embark upon any instant weight loss diets such as this.
This article is for informative purposes only. Always consult a nutritionist before starting any diet to avoid causing any damage to your health.