Verbenas are low-growing annual or perennial flowering plants that bloom from spring until summer. Both types of verbena are easy to care for and relatively pest- and disease-resistant.
Three types of verbenas are sold as garden plants. Verbena hortensis is an annual, which can be sowed in the spring. Verbena x hybrida is a short lived perennial that dies out in the heat of summer. Verbena x tenera is a long llived perennial that is semi-evergreen in warm climates and heat-tolerant. Verbena blooms may be white, peach, pink, red or purple.
Homestead Purple is a heat-tolerant verbena with a long bloom period. Aztec is a series of long-lived verbenas that bloom well throughout the summer. Blue Princess, also known as Biloxi Blue, is a short-lived verbena with lavender-blue flowers. Some old varieties of verbena that perform well are white Snowflurry, magenta Fiesta and red Summer Blaze.
Use verbenas as groundcovers or as underplantings with roses or other shrubs. Let verbenas trail from hanging baskets or window boxes. Verbenas attract butterflies and can be used in wildflower gardens.
Plant verbenas in well-drained soil in full sun (at least 8 hours of direct sun daily). Lightly prune after blooming to encourage another flush of flowers. Prune dead stems in spring when new growth appears. Fertilize lightly in spring and after pruning.
Leafhoppers, leaf miners and thrips can be a problem on verbenas. Apply a pesticide approved for verbenas according to the manufacturer's directions. If spider mites attack the plants, spray with a miticide for verbenas at the rate recommended by the manufacturer. Powdery mildew is a fungus caused by over-watering or too much rainfall. Use a fungicidal spray for verbenas, following the manufacturer's directions.
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