Mulch comes in two basic types, organic and inorganic. What type you desire to use is mainly a personal preference. Both types will work, but both types also have their drawbacks and advantages. Knowing your garden's needs will help you decide which one is best.
Stone mulch is inorganic. It consists of pea gravel and assorted sizes of stones. Organic mulch consists of pine bark, cedar chips and pine straw.
Stone mulch will not deteriorate over time. The stones might sink into the soil, but they will not break down. Organic mulch will break down over time and mix with the existing soil. It will add nutrients to the existing soil whereas rocks will not.
Stone mulch has a long life and will need replacing less frequently. It is a good choice for walkways or drought-tolerant gardens. Organic mulch retains moisture and heat in the soil and is easier and lightweight to install.
Stone mulch is harder to weed, if herbicides are not used. It will also retain heat and remove moisture from the planting area. Organic mulches have a shorter life and will need replacing annually. They can attract bugs.
Consider placing rock mulch in areas where plants do not require much moisture, but desire heat and dryness. Consider using organic mulch in areas that require moisture and heat.
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